
Participation of Rokas (Belgrade) energy expert Mr. Vuk Stankovic, at the RENEXPO International trade fair Energy, Waste & Water on 24 – 25 April 2019 in Belgrade, Serbia Rokas (Belgrade) energy expert and Vice president of the Serbian Energy Law Association Mr. Vuk Stankovic, successfully participated at the RENEXPO International trade fair Energy, Waste &...
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Energy News – 63d Issue-New Guidance on Environmental Protection in Oil and Gas Extraction EU and EnCMarketƒEU: Commission Adopts Recommendations on Cyber Security SectorƒEU: CEER Conclusions’ Paper on New Services and DSO InvolvementElectricityƒEnC: Policy Guidelines on Competition and Liquidity of Wholesale Electricity MarketƒEU: EEX Introduces New Products in Power, Freight and Emissions DerivativesOil & GasƒEU:...
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“Distribution of Insurance-Based Investment Products – the EU Regulation and the Liabilities”, by Professors P. Marano & I. Rokas – Editors, has been published by Springer Nature. The book examines a topic at the intersection of two heavily regulated sectors:  insurance and investment services. The first part of the book approaches the new standards applicable...
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Rokas (Athens) actively participated in the 20th Annual Conference “Insurance Law and Practice – Current Trends, Future Challenges” which took place in Belgrade, 12–14 April 2019 and was organised by the Association for Insurance Law of Serbia (AIDA Serbia) and the Association of Serbian Lawyers.Viktoria Chatzara – Senior Associate of the firm delivered a comprehensive...
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European Crowdfunding Network’s Conference The Impact of Alternative Finance on Start-up and SME Ecosystem Conference and Exhibition – hosted by RealMarket – took place on 11 April at the Startit Centar, Belgrade, Serbia. Rokas (Belgrade) lead lawyer, attorney-at-law, Mr. Vuk Stankovic moderated the panel discussion titled “Crowdfunding in Serbia: Legal and Regulatory Issues “. The...
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Our Partner, Dr. Christina Tarnanidou, has been selected as member in the Investment Management Standing Committee (IMSC) Consultative Working Group (CWG) of ESMA. ESMA’s work relating to the activity of collective investment management covers principally the Directives on Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) and Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMD), as well as...
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First joint wind and solar competitive tender procedures in April and May 2019 (Article by Mira Todorovic Symeonides – Partner and Nikoleta Nikolaou – Associate, published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on April 1, 2019) Introduction In April and May 2019 solar and wind renewable energy systems (RES) producers will...
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The CJEU rules on insurance premium taxation: a guide for group insurance taxation? (Article by Viktoria Chatzara – Senior Associate and Paraskevi Res – Associate of Rokas Law Firm, published on Lexology Navigator – Insurance & Reinsurance for Greece, 27 March 2019) European Union On 17 January 2019 the Court of Justice of the European...
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Natural gas distribution and supply sector is undergoing reform (Article by Mira Todorovic Symeonides – Partner and Anastasia Bolari – Associate, published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on March11, 2019) Introduction The Greek natural gas market is dominated by: the public natural gas company DEPA, which is 65% owned by...
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20 years from the enforcement of Law 2735/1999 on international commercial arbitration in Greece The present and the future of Greek arbitration legislation Rokas is delighted to announce that on Tuesday, March 5, 2019, a one-day conference titled “20 years since Law 2735/1999 on international commercial arbitration: Present and Future of the Greek Arbitration Law”...
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