
Legal Aspects of Doing business in Montenegro 2011 (Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Montenegro, Second Edition – Juris Publishing, 2011 – Montenegro Chapter by IKRP Rokas & Partners and D. Radinovic Law Firm) Montenegro is a relatively new Mediterranean country, which declaredindependence from the state union with the Republic of Serbia on 3 June...
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Romania – considered amendment of the Emergency Government Ordinance no 113/2009 Rokas (Bucharest) The firm is currently handling the authorisation as “Payment Institution” with NBR, of a major player in consumer lending market in Romania, while the applicable legal provisions are under discussions for further amendment. According to the legal provisions issued in this respect, the...
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Exchange of Electricity Capacity from Lignite-Fired Power Plants The Greek Government has notified a proposal to the European Commission for electricity capacity exchange between lignite-fired power plants of PPC and foreign electricity generation companies with the aim to enhance competition on the national electricity market. According to a former Decision of the European Commission against...
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Important Amendments To The Romanian Law On Trade Marks Since 09.05.2010 Law 84/1998 regarding Romanian Law trade marks has been amended and the new version has entered into force. The new provisions are different from the previous applicable legal provisions in respect to the examination procedure of the requests for registration of a trade mark....
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Crucial Bancassurance Issues in Romania The modality of selling insurance products in conjunction with and as collateral of banking loans i.e. the enunciation of bancassurance activity in Romania entails the following elements/aspects and legal instruments (in force): • Insurance Law no. 32/2000 as further amended; • Insurance Supervision Commission (ISC)* Order no. 10/2007 approving the...
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Cheque vs Promissory Note by Rokas Law Firm in Romania, Bucharest A cheque is a simple payment instrument and does not constitute a credit title. A written order on a bank directing a certain amount of money to be paid to a named person, or “to his order”, or “to him” or “to the designated...
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Environmental Pollution Liability and Insurance – The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (Speech delivered by Dr. K. Noussia at the Max Planck Institute for Private Law, in terms of the “2010 Hamburg Lectures on Maritime Affairs” Series; Hamburg 27 Oct. 2010) The financial impact of the April 20th, 2010 explosion and sinking of the “Deepwater Horizon”...
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Encyclopedia of International Commercial Litigation (EICLIT) in Greece Commercial litigation is not initiated in special commercial courts, but in one of the three types of district courts (Protovathmia Taktika Dikastiria) depending on the amount in dispute. Interest or other incidental claims are not taken into account. When the amount at issue is not more than...
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Greek Electricity Market At Risk As a part of its obligations deriving from the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Commission (EC), and the European Central Bank (ECB) in May 2010 and in order for financial support to be provided, Greece committed itself to adopt measures via a Presidential Decree and a...
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CDS & Indemnity Insurance From a legal point of view the private insurance contract in particular in indemnity insurances, and the contract of Credit Default Swaps (CDS) have a common essential characteristic: “the transfer of risk” from one person to another in return of a consideration. (Speech delivered by Prof. Dr. I. Rokas at the...
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