
Energy & Environment
New regulation on liberalisation of Greek energy market (Article by Mira Todorovic Symeonides – Partner and Dr. Maria Ioannou – Associate of Rokas Law Firm, published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on January 27, 2020) On 3 December 2019, Law 4643/2019 on the liberalisation of the Greek energy market, themodernisation...
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Liberalisation of energy market: DEPA privatisation (Article by Mira Todorovic Symeonides – Partner and Kosmas Karanikolas – Associate, published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on January 20, 2020) IntroductionOn 3 December 2019 Law 4643/2019 on the liberalisation of the energy market, the modernisationof the Public Power Corporation, the privatisation of...
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Energy News – 67th Issue-NOME AUCTIONS EU and EnC Market Ambitious Reforms with the ‘European Green Deal’New Finance within the European Green DealEnC – European Green Deal in Western BalkansNovember Infringements PackageACER Urges Market Participants to Address Incorrect Reporting Issues under REMIT ElectricityEstablishment of the Regional Security Coordinator in ThessalonikiJudgment of ECJ in Case C–523/18Judgment...
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RES sector reform – regulatory update (Article by Mira Todorovic Symeonides – Partner and Maria Ioannou – Associate, published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on November 18, 2019) The renewable energy sources (RES) sector of the Greek energy market is undergoing continuous and significant reform. Among other changes, the Hellenic...
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Energy News – 66th Issue-DEPA Transformation and Privatization EU and ENC Oil & Gas OPAL ECJ Decision Infrastructure Adoption of the fourth List of Projects of Common Interest by the European Commission Competition & State Aid Commission does not Raise Objections to United Kingdom’s Capacity Mechanism (SA.35980) Energy Efficiency Commission Recommendation on Transposing the Energy...
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Energy News – 65th Issue-Approval of the Updated Natural Gas Emergency Plan EU and EnCMarketƒCompliance with EU Law in 2018 ReportƒCommission Moves against MS for not Respecting EU Energy RulesƒTwo Reasoned Requests of the EnC Secretariat to the Ministerial CouncilElectricityƒACER no01/2019 RecommendationƒACER Methodology for Redispatching and Countertradingm in SEE RegionƒMoU on the Establishment of a...
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Schedule for competitive procedures in 2019 and 2020 (Article by Mira Todorovic Symeonides – Partner and Nikoleta Nikolaou – Associate, published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on August 5, 2019) Competitive procedure amendments In April 2019 the minister of environment and energy amended the competitive procedures for determining operating state...
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Energy News – 64th Issue-Legislative Acts Enacting the EU Clean Energy Package EU and EnCMarketƒLegislative Acts Enacting the EU Clean Energy PackageƒNational Energy Plans, Commission Comments, Increase of RES TargetsƒEnergy Charter Treaty ModernisationElectricityƒThe new Electricity Directive (EU) 2019/944 AdoptedƒThe New Electricity Market Regulation AdoptedƒEU Regulation on Risk-Preparedness of the Electricity SectorƒEU Regulation 2016/631 into Force...
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Energy News – 63d Issue-New Guidance on Environmental Protection in Oil and Gas Extraction EU and EnCMarketƒEU: Commission Adopts Recommendations on Cyber Security SectorƒEU: CEER Conclusions’ Paper on New Services and DSO InvolvementElectricityƒEnC: Policy Guidelines on Competition and Liquidity of Wholesale Electricity MarketƒEU: EEX Introduces New Products in Power, Freight and Emissions DerivativesOil & GasƒEU:...
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First joint wind and solar competitive tender procedures in April and May 2019 (Article by Mira Todorovic Symeonides – Partner and Nikoleta Nikolaou – Associate, published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on April 1, 2019) Introduction In April and May 2019 solar and wind renewable energy systems (RES) producers will...
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