Dr. Christina Tarnanidou (Partner) has concluded successfully under her Presidency in the Statutory Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Hellenic Republic, the Draft Law for the implementation of the CSDR into the Greek legal system Our partner, Dr. Christina Tarnanidou, Assistant Professor of Commercial Law at Athens University of Economics and Business, has...Read More
Basic Legislation on Insolvency by Rokas’ senior partner Ioannis Rokas has been published and is a collection of legislation for the regulation of financial insolvency situations with useful comments and interpretative remarks. It includes the Laws on: Bankruptcy, Insolvency Manager, Over-indebted individuals and Out-of-Court Settlement of Indebted Businesses.Read More
Liber Amicorum in Honour of Ioannis K. Rokas has been published (in Greek) by Nomiki Bibliothiki Publ., Athens, 2017 This Festschift/ Liber Amicorum is a tribute to honour the work of em. Professor Dr. Jur. Ioannis K. Rokas and senior partner of the firm, who, as a Professor, held the Chair of Commercial Law at...Read More
“The ‘Dematerialized’ Insurance”, Distance selling and Cyber Risks from an International Perspective” “The ‘Dematerialized’ Insurance”, Distance selling and Cyber Risks from an International Perspective”, by Professors P. Marano, I. Rokas and P. Kochenburger – Editors, has recently been published by Springer International Publishing. The book examines the online sale of insurance and the way it...Read More
Rokas (Belgrade) successfully represented a client in the process of awarding of EUR 3.4 million government investment incentives Textile company from Bangladesh, Pretty Group signed a government investment agreement on the allocation of EUR 3.4 million worth of incentives for launching a production textile facility in Sombor, which will create 1,100 jobs. The signing was...Read More
Workshop, on the topic of the UK Insurance Law Reforms On 14/12/2016 in Athens, Greece (Electra Palace Hotel) a workshop, was jointly organised and held by the University of Exeter Law School, UK (academic partner) and Rokas Law Firm (non-academic partner) on the topic of the UK Insurance Law Reforms. The workshop is a continuation...Read More
Legal Advisor To PPC In Tendering Process for ADMIE Rokas (Athens) acted as the legal advisor to the Greek power utility Public Power Corporation S.A. (PPC) in the tendering process for the sale of a 24 percent stake in power grid operator ADMIE S.A. (IPTO S.A.), while HSBC Bank plc, Citigroup Global Markets Ltd. and...Read More
Modern Energy Markets – Legal Framework and Greek Perspective “Modern Energy Markets – Legal Framework and Greek Perspective”, by Dr. Christina I. Tarnanidou, Partner of Rokas and Lecturer of Commercial and Financial Law at AUEB, has now been published (Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2016). The book refers to the wholesale energy markets as they operate as exchanges...Read More
Rokas (Skopje) concluded successfully in May, 2016 the project, entrusted to the firm by Alpha Bank – a leading banking institution in Greece – of acting as the vendor’s legal consultant in the sale process of its wholly owned subsidiary in FYR of Macedonia. The project involved the total share capital of Alpha Bank AD...Read More
Global Research Project on access to water for irrigation use Rokas’ environmental resources’ law team provided legal assistance to a major global institution (World Bank) with a global project relating to access to water with an irrigation use focus. In this context, various aspects of the use of water for irrigation have been explored and...Read More