
Litigation & Arbitration
As part of our Dispute Resolution & ADR Team activities, we are delighted to sponsor the 4th International Mediation & Arbitration Conference that takes place this week from June 1 – 2, at Divavi Apollon Thalasso & Spa organized by Nomiki Bibliothiki under the auspices of the President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou. Our...
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Form and proof of arbitration agreements incorporated by reference under New York Convention (Article by Dr. A. Tsavdaridis, published in the Arbitration & ADR Newsletter of the ILO on October 19, 2017) In international trade, a general reference is sufficient to validly incorporate an arbitration clause contained in another document under Article II(2) of the […]
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Arbitration News – Three is a crowd – Third-party arbitration funding (Article by Dr. A. Tsavdaridis, published in the Arbitration & ADR Newsletter of the ILO on July 20, 2017) Third–party arbitration funding can benefit both under–resourced growing businesses as well asestablished and profitable companies, allowing them to cover the legal costs of potentiallycomplex proceedings. […]
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Arbitration News – Authority to enter into an arbitration agreement (Article by Dr. A. Tsavdaridis, published in the Arbitration & ADR Newsletter of the ILO on June 15, 2017) A person acting as a legal representative of a legal entity must be specifically authorised in order tovalidly conclude an arbitration agreement. This precondition is not […]
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Arbitration News – Supreme Court rules on scope of arbitration agreements (Article by Dr. A. Tsavdaridis, published in the Arbitration & ADR Newsletter of the ILO on November 10, 2016) An arbitration agreement which covers future disputes or differences arising out of the initial agreement also covers future disputes or differences arising out of subsequent...
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Arbitration News – Supreme Court clarifies incidental matters in technical and legal disputes (Article by Dr. A. Tsavdaridis, published in the Arbitration & ADR Newsletter of the ILO on July 14, 2016) Domestic arbitrators sitting under the institutional arbitration rules of the Technical Chamber of Greece have jurisdiction to hear only technical disputes (including disputes...
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Arbitration News – Jurisdiction of arbitral tribunal in state contracts (Article by Dr. A. Tsavdaridis, published in the Arbitration & ADR Newsletter of the ILO on May 12, 2016) When a national legal provision is fixed by means of a stabilisation clause in a concession agreement, it becomes a contractual term of the agreement. Thus,...
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Arbitration News – Which law governs your arbitration agreement? (Article by Dr. A. Tsavdaridis, published in the Arbitration & ADR Newsletter of the ILO on February 25, 2016) The place of arbitration and the law governing the main contract are important factors in determining whether the parties made a tacit choice as to the law...
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Arbitration News – Concept of public policy in domestic arbitration reconsidered (Article by Dr. A. Tsavdaridis, published in the Arbitration & ADR Newsletter of the ILO on November 19, 2015) The Supreme Court recently settled a longstanding debate over public policy as it relates to arbitration, holding that the concept of public policy as grounds...
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Arbitration News – New ruling on implied waiver of setting-aside proceedings (Article by Dr. A. Tsavdaridis, published in the Arbitration Newsletter of the ILO on September 3, 2015) The principle that a valid waiver of setting–aside proceedings before an award is rendered can beimplied when it is contained in an agreement ratified by law does...
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