Chapter Greece: Labour and Employment 2022

Chapter Greece: Labour & Employment 2022

Christos Theodorou / Partner, Viktoria Chatzara / Junior Partner and Niki Nisotaki / Associate at Rokas Law Firm (Athens), have drafted the Chapter on Labour & Employment 2022 for Greece as exclusive contributors of Lexology GTDT.


Primary and secondary legislation

What are the main statutes and regulations relating to employment?

There is no labour law code; however, there are numerous legal statutes and regulations (eg, the Constitution of Greece, laws, presidential decrees, ministerial decisions, etc). An important  recent development regarding the legal framework governing labour law issues is the adoption of Law No. 4808/2021 on labour protection.

Protected employee categories

Is there any law prohibiting discrimination or harassment in employment? If so, what categories are regulated under the law?

The Constitution of Greece (article 22, paragraph 1) on the application of the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value, regardless of gender or other discrimination.
Law No. 3896/2010 concerning the application of the principle of equal opportunities and treatment of men and women in terms of employment (adapting national legislation to Directive     2006/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2006 on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation), Law No. 4443/2016 on the transposition of Directive 2000/43/ EC implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin, as well as the transposition of Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation and Directive 2014/54/EU on measures facilitating the exercise of rights conferred on workers in the context of freedom of movement for workers.
The categories regulated under the law are gender, racial or ethnic origin, religious or other beliefs, disability, age and sexual orientation, chronic illness, descent, family or social status, and gender identity or characteristics.
Law No. 4808/2021 ratifies contract No. 190/2019 ‘Violence and Harassment Convention’ of the International Labor Organization and adopts measures against violence and harassment in the workplace by expanding the scope of prohibited behaviours and the circle of protected persons. By virtue of articles 1 to 23 of Law No. 4808/2021, the provisions of the above convention are incorporated in the Greek legal order. Article 4 of Law No.4808/2021 explicitly provided that all forms of violence and harassment, related to or arising from work are prohibited. Behaviors regulated under the law (related to violence and harassment in the workplace) refer to practices or threats resulting, even potentially, in physical, psychological, sexual or economic harm, and include gender-based violence and harassment.

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