Determination of Technologies and procedures for RES operational aid auctions

Determination of technologies and procedures for next Renewable Energy Solution (RES) operational aid auctions

(Article by Mira Todorovic Symeonides, Partner, published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on March 14, 2022)


On 23 December 2021, the Ministry of Environment and Energy issued Decision No. 123726/5096, which determined:

  • the technologies and/or categories of renewable energy source (RES) and high efficiency combined heat and power production plants that are eligible to apply for operational support through competitive auction procedures;
  • whether such competitive auction procedures should be technology-neutral;and
  • the methodology and procedures for the calculation of capacities of plants that are allowed to participate in such competitive auction procedures and that originate from the European Economic area (EEA) as cross-border projects.

Categories of procedure

The decision divides all types of procedure into two categories:

  • separate auctions for each technology; and
  • joint auctions or technology-neutral auctions-this means that different RES technologies may participate in the same auction.

Within the second category, the decision recognises three types of procedure:

general joint auctions, in which the participation may be permitted for at least two different technologies;

joint auctions in certain areas, which will be territorially designed; and

joint auctions for RES plants with storage, which will be designed for solar and wind plants with storage.

Auction details

The auctions will be organised for the following categories of plants:

  • wind:
    • above six megawatts;
    • from 60 kilowatts to six megawatts;and
    • above 10 megawatts with storage;
  • solar:
    • above one megawatt;
    • below 500 kilowatts
    • from 500 kilowatts to one megawatt;and
    • above 10 megawatts with storage;and
  • certain categories of plants held by energy communities.

Other technologies may be added where there is increased competition.

In 2022, separate auctions for each technology will be organised for small wind(up to six megawatts) and solar( up to one megawatt).


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