Energy News – Certification of TAP AG

Energy News – 31st Issue-Certification of TAP AG


EU: ACER/CEER Publish Market Monitoring Report for 2014

other news:

  • EU: Energy Council Adopts Conclusions on Energy Union Governance
  • EU: European Parliament Adopts Resolution on European Energy Union
  • EnC: EU Parliament Holds the Energy Community an Integral Part of the Energy Union
  • FYRoM: Proposed Amendments to the Law on Energy


EU: Draft Regulation Establishing a Guideline on Transmission System Operation

other news:

  • EU: ACER Publishes Conclusions and Next Steps in Electricity Transmission Tariff Scoping
  • EU: ENTSO-E Members Sign Agreement regarding Regional Cooperation
  • EU: ENTSO-E Policy Report on Market Design for Demand Side Response
  • EnC: First Monitoring Report on Western Balkans 6 Energy Connectivity Initiative
  • Serbia: Power Exchange Acquires Organised Electricity Market Operation License
  • Romania: Regulator Issues Order on the License for Administration of the Centralised Electricity Markets
  • Ukraine: Government Reintroduces Emergency Measures for the Electricity Market
  • Greece: Agreement on Unbundling and Privatisation of ADMIE
  • Greece: Public Consultation on Adoption of Distribution Network Code
  • Greece: Regulator Approves Auction Rules at Greece’s borders
  • Greece: Public Consultation on Amendments to the Legal Framework on PSOs
  • Greece: Regulator Introduces Revised Cost-Recovery Mechanism
  • Greece: Incumbent Supplier Decides on Discounts to HV Customers
  • Greece: Regulator Reduces Several Charges Payable by Electricity Consumers for 2016


Ukraine: Natural Gas Market Reform Update

other news:

  • EU: Approval of Update to the prevention Action Plan
  • EnC: Secretariat Issues First CESEC Report on Gas Market Integration
  • Bulgaria: New Tender for Oil and Gas Onshore in Bulgaria
  • Greece: Public Consultations on Gas Network Codes and Tariff Regulations


EU: Commission Opens Two in-depth Investigations into French Capacity Payment Schemes

other news:

  • EnC: EU State Aid Guidelines Shall Apply to Environmental Protection and Energy in the Energy Community
  • EU/Bulgaria: Commission Accepts commitments by BEH
  • EU: Commission Opens Formal Investigation against Ethanol Producers for Price Manipulation
  • EU: Commission Decides not to Raise Objections to an Aid Scheme of the Czech Republic Concerning Biofuels for


Greece/Bulgaria: IGB Final Investment Decision and Launch of Second Market Test

other news:

  • EU: European Parliament Resolution on 10% Electricity Interconnection Target
  • Greece: Decision on Certification of TAP AG


Ukraine: National Energy Efficiency Action Plan Finally Approved

other news:

  • Croatia: Amendments to Ordinances on Energy Audits and Certification
  • Croatia: Regulations on Rational Use of Energy in Buildings


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