Energy News -Hybrid Power Plants

Energy News – 32nd Issue-Decision Introduces Model PPA for Hybrid Power Plants at the Non-Interconnected Islands


EU: Study on Economic Impact of Competition Policies Enforcement

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  • EU: Consultation on Streamlining of Planning and Reporting Obligations as Part of the Energy Union Governance
  • EU: European Council Conclusions on Energy and Climate Policy
  • EU: ACER Reports First Results of REMIT Implementation
  • Bulgaria: Energy Exchange Started in January


Greece: Adoption and Implementation of Interruptibility Scheme

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  • EU: ENTSO-E Stakeholder Consultation on Priority Issues for Connection Network Codes Implementation Guidance
  • EU: ACER Calls for Participation in Stakeholder Committee
  • EU: Study on Options for Future Electricity System Operation
  • Greece: Amendments to the Grid Code and its Rulebooks


EU: Lifting of Sanctions against Iran

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  • EU: ENTSO-G Publishes Amended Interconnection Agreement Template and Respective Guidance Document
  • Ukraine: Recent Regulatory Developments in the Ukrainian Gas and Fuel Markets


EnC: Secretariat Publishes Policy Guidelines on Reform of RES Support Schemes

other news:

  • EU: Commission Decision on Custom Tax to Chinese PV
  • Romania: Regulatory Acts on the Green Certificates Support Scheme for the year 2016
  • Poland: Amendments to the Polish Renewable Sources Postpone Entry into Force until July 2016
  • Albania: Council of Ministers Approves New Development Plan on Renewable Energy
  • Greece: Decision Introduces Model PPA for Hybrid Power Plants at the Non-Interconnected Islands


EU: French Supreme Administrative Court Requests Preliminary Ruling for Capacity Mechanism in the Electricity Sector
Greece: Competition Commission Accepts Commitments of Incumbent Electricity Supplier

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  • EU: Commission Opens In-depth Investigation into UK’s Public Support Scheme for Drax Power Plant
  • Romania: Competition Council Sanctions Hidroelectrica SA and 10 of its Contractual Partners


EU: ACER Publishes Recommendation on Cross-Border Cost Allocation for Electricity and Gas
Projects of Common Interest

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  • EU: Member States Agree to Invest €217 million in Key Trans-European Energy Infrastructure Projects
  • EnC: Secretariat Announces First Call for Selection of Priority Infrastructure Projects under TEN-E Regulation
  • EnC/Ukraine: Complaint against Nord Stream 2 Project Forwarded to European Commission
  • EnC/Albania: Regulatory Board Issues Opinion on Preliminary Certification of TAP AG by the Albanian Regulator
  • Greece: Regulator Approves Development Plan for the Natural Gas System for the Years 2015-2024


EU: Public Consultation on the Review of Directive 2012/27/EU on Energy Efficiency

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  • EU: Study Assessing the Employment and Social Impact of Energy Efficiency
  • Poland: Energy Efficiency Act in Force for One Further year
  • Serbia: Rulebook on Minimum Energy Efficiency Requirements in Public Procurement of Goods


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