Energy News – Licensed Production Capacities

Energy News – 33rd Issue-Decision Imposing Levy for Licensed Production Capacities not Connected to the Grid


EU: Commission Proposed New Rules on Intergovernmental Agreements

other news:

  • EU: ACER Publishes Regional Initiatives Status Review Report for 2015
  • ŒMontenegro: New Law on Energy Adopted
  • Albania: Reforms in the Energy Sector
  • Bulgaria: MoU on Energy Signed between Bulgaria and Cyprus
  • Greece: Academy of Athens Presents Findings on the Energy Sector of Greece


EU: International Energy Agency’s Report on European Electricity Market Design

other news:

  • EU: ENTSO-E Launches Consultation on Common Grid Model Methodology
  • EnC: Second Monitoring Report on Western Balkans 6 Energy Connectivity Initiative
  • ŒGreece: Progress in Implementation of Interruptibility Scheme


EU: Commission Presents New Strategy on Security of Gas Supply

other news:

  • EU: CEER Publishes Analysis on the role of LNG to improve Security of Supply
  • EU: ENTSOG and ACER Launch Joint Platform to Facilitate Smooth Gas Network Code Implementation
  • ŒEnC/Ukraine: Ministry Submits Draft Unbundling Plan for Naftogaz
  • Ukraine: Parliament Enables Backhaul of Natural Gas
  • Greece: DEPA and Gazprom Export Agree on Settlement regarding the Take-or-Pay Clause for 2014


EU: ENTSO-E and CEER’s Responses to Consultation on New RES Directive

other news:

  • EU: Commission Implementing Regulation regarding imports of PV panels from China
  • ŒGreece: Model PPA for Solar Thermal Plants at the Non-Interconnected Islands
  • Greece: Decision Imposing Levy for Licensed Production Capacities not Connected to the Grid
  • Serbia: Government of Serbia Adopts Decree on Levy for Incentives to Privileged Producers
  • Poland: Draft Wind Turbines Investments Act Submitted to Parliament
  • Romania: Order Sets the Values of Trading with Green Certificates for 2016
  • Ukraine: Amendments to the Procedure for Setting Feed-in Tariffs


EU: Commission Calls for Comments on Two French State Aid Schemes

other news:

  • EU: Commission Decides not to Raise Objections against UK Electricity Demand Reduction Pilot Scheme
  • EU: Commission Clears Acquisition by German Manufacturer of Wind Turbines


EU: Study on Investment Conditions for Electricity and Gas TSOs in the EU

other news:

  • EU: ACER Signs MoU with National Authorities for PCIs
  • EnC/Albania: Secretariat Issues Opinion on Certification of TAP AG by the Albanian Regulator
  • Greece: TSO Launches Consultation on New Interconnection Line between Greece and Bulgaria
  • Greece: TSO Launches Consultation on Draft 10-Year Development Plan for 2017-2026


EU: Commission Publishes Communication on Heating & Cooling Strategy

other news:

  • EU: CEER Responds to Consultation on Review of Energy Efficiency Directive
  • EU: Commission Publishes Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry
  • EU: Commission Publishes Study on Compliance with Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
  • EU: Commission Publishes Report on Energy Efficiency Improvements in Networks
  • ŒBiH: Secondary Legislation on Energy Performance of Buildings Enters into Force
  • Montenegro: Decree on Reconstruction of State Buildings and Rulebooks on Auditing of Buildings


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