Energy News – IGB Pipeline

Energy News – 36th Issue-IGB Pipeline


EnC: ECRB Publishes First Comprehensive Gas and Electricity Market Monitoring Report

other news:

  • EU: CEER Publishes Statement of EU and US Energy Regulators
  • EU: CEER’s Position Paper on Early Termination Fees
  • EnC: Secretariat Submits 2016 Infringement Package to the Ministerial Council
  • Albania: ERE Issues Annual Report on the Energy Sector for 2015


Greece: Law Introduces Reform of the Electricity Market

other news:

  • EU: Member States Approve Draft System Operation Guideline
  • EU: Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators is Published
  • EU: CEER Publishes Discussion Paper on Scoping of Flexible Response
  • EU/EnC: MoU on Day-Ahead Market Integration and Cross-Border Balancing Targets in Western Balkans
  • EU: ENTSO-E Publishes its 2015 Annual Report
  • Albania: ERE Issues Decision Affecting Priority Producers of Electricity
  • Croatia: Public Consultation Draft Transmission System Code launched


Ukraine: Natural Gas Market Update

other news:

  • EU: CEER’s Response to the European Commission’s Strategy for LNG and Gas Storage
  • EnC: Secretariat Proposes “Switch on Clause” for Interconnections between EnC and EU Countries
  • EnC: Secretariat Publishes Third CESEC Report on Gas Market integration
  • EnC/Ukraine: Secretariat Issues Conditional Approval of Naftogaz Unbundling Plan
  • Montenegro: Draft Report on Strategic Environmental Assessment of Master Plan of Gasification
  • Poland: Amendment to Energy Act Eliminating Regulation of Gas Tariffs
  • Romania: European Commission Requests Romania to Transpose the Offshore Safety Directive
  • Serbia: AERS Adopts Methodology for Setting Costs for Connection to the Gas Network


Greece: Regulations for Guarantees of Origin and Sustainability Criteria for Biofuels

other news:

  • EU: ENTSO-E and Renewables Grid Sign MoU for Cooperation
  • Montenegro: Draft Decree on Incentive Fees for Production of Electricity from RES and Cogeneration


EU: The General Court Finds the 2012 German Law on Renewable Energy as Involving State Aid

other news:

  • EU: Commission Publishes Decision on German State Aid Scheme concerning Non-Ferrous Metal Producers
  • EU: Commission Decides Not to Raise Objections to a RES State Aid Scheme of Italy


EnC: Public Consultation on the 2016 List of Proposed Priority Infrastructure Projects

other news:

  • EU: ENTSO-G and ENTSO-E Launch Joint Public Consultation on Europe’s Future TYNDPs 2018 Scenarios
  • EU: ENTSO-E Launches Public Consultation on New CBA Methodology
  • EU: Study on Permit Granting Process for PCIs in EU Member States
  • Greece: Commencement of Construction of TAP
  • Greece/Bulgaria: Nine Non-Binding Expressions of Interest Were Submitted for the IGB Pipeline
  • Greece: RAE Launches Consultation on Draft 10-Year Network Development Plan for 2017-2026


  • EU: Commission Publishes Study on Energy Efficiency in Enterprises

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