Energy News – Natural Gas licenses

Energy News – 37th Issue-Natural Gas licenses


EU: Agreement on Information Mechanism regarding Intergovernmental Agreements

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EU: ACER Publishes Recommendation on Independence of Regulatory Authorities
Greece: RAE Publishes Report on Written Complaints of Consumers in 2015
ŒAlbania: Commencement of Procedures for Energy Market Rules
Montenegro: Regulator Launches Public Consultation on Draft Rules on Licensing of Energy Activities
Serbia: Regulator Launches Public Consultation on Draft Decision regarding Rights of End Consumers


Greece: Electricity Auctions Scheme (NOME) Approved

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EU: NEMO Committee Announces Submission of Plan on Market Coupling to NRAs
ŒGreece: Amendments of the Code of Electricity Supply
ŒGreece: RAE Launches Consultation and DEDDIE Makes Announcement regarding the Opening of the NII Market
ŒGreece: Deduction of Energy Related Fees from Gross Income of Businesses
ŒAlbania: Regulator Adopts Several Decisions regarding the Electricity Market
ŒAlbania: Council of Ministers Adopts Decision on the Supplier of Last Resort
ŒAlbania: Regulator Issues Decisions on Approval of Agreements between OST & KESH
ŒRomania: Order on Suspension of the Operation of the Wholesale Electricity Market
ŒBulgaria: IBEX Adopts Amendments to Operational Rules for Power Exchange
ŒCroatia: TSO Adopts Rules on Electricity Balancing
ŒSerbia: Regulator Approves Compliance Programme of Distribution Network Operator
ŒMontenegro: Regulator Launches Public Consultation on Draft General Conditions for Electricity Supply
ŒMontenegro: Consultation on Draft Methodology for Ancillary Services and Balancing
Poland: Amendments to Rules of Electricity Trading and Settlement on Power Exchange


EU: ENTSOG Publishes Three Implementation Monitoring Reports

other news:

IEA: International Energy Agency Publishes Medium-Term Gas Market Report
ŒEU: ACER Publishes Report on Congestion at IPs in 2015
ŒEU: CEER Publishes Paper on Priorities for Revision of Regulation 994/2010
ŒGreece: Regulator Launches Public Consultation on Amendments to the Regulation on Natural Gas licenses
ŒMontenegro: Government Approves Draft Law Amending the Law on Hydrocarbons
ŒCroatia: Regulator Launches Public Consultation on Draft Methodology for Determination of Tariff Items for LNG
ŒCroatia: Regulator Passes Methodology for Determining Natural Gas Balancing Prices
ŒUkraine: Gas Storage Development Plan and Revised Gas Transmission System Code



Greece: New Draft Law for Support Scheme for RES and CHP Power Plants

other news:

Serbia: Government of Serbia Adopts Incentives for Renewables
ŒPoland: Launch of Beta Version of the Internet Auction Platform for Sale of Electricity
ŒGreece: Consultation on Fines for Non-Fulfilment of Biofuels Sustainability Criteria
ŒUkraine: Draft Roadmap for Solar Energy Development and News on PPA


EU: Commission Rules on German Scheme for Closure of Lignite-Fired Power Plants

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EU: Commission Finds Contract between Danish TSO and DONG Energy Does Not Involve State Aid


EU: Commission Publishes Fact Sheet on Investment Plan for Energy in Europe

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Greece: Ministerial Decision Granting Installation Licence to TAP
ŒGreece/Bulgaria: Interconnection Agreement Signed between the Greek and the Bulgarian Gas TSOs
ŒBulgaria: Bulgarian and Slovakian Gas TSOs Sign MoU regarding the Eastring Pipeline


Greece: Adoption of National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP)

other news:

EnC: Publication on Regulation of Energy Efficiency in the EnC Contracting Parties
ŒAlbania: Announcement of Forthcoming Establishment of Energy Efficiency Agency
ŒUkraine: New Energy Audit and Energy Management Standard


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