Energy News – Updates on the Greek Gas Market

Energy News – 38th Issue-Updates on the Greek Gas Market


EU: European Parliament Adopts Network Information Security Directive

other news:

  • EU: Public Consultation on Network Codes and Guidelines after 2017
  • EnC: Secretariat takes over Technical Assistance for Eastern Partnership Countries
  • EnC: Kosovo* and Moldova Rectify Compliance Failure
  • Albania: ERE’s Organization, Functions and Procedures
  • Croatia: Public Consultation on Unbundling of Accounts


Greece: Draft Code on NOME Auctions

Albania: Extensive Regulatory Work in the Albanian Electricity Market

other news:

  • EU: Consultation on the Definition of Capacity Calculation Regions
  • EU: Study on Appropriate Generation and System Adequacy
  • EU: CEER Report on the Barriers for Switching of Suppliers
  • EnC: WB6 towards Establishing an Integrated Regional Electricity Market
  • ŒGreece: Amendments of the TSO Code in Regard to the Flexibility Service
  • Greece: Increase of the Price Cap of the System Marginal Price
  • Montenegro: Public Consultation on Changing the Electricity Supplier
  • Montenegro: Public Consultation on Certification of the SO
  • Poland: Public Consultations on Electricity Market Scheme


Greece: Adopted Law on Off-Shore Oil and Gas Operations Safety

other news:

  • EU: CEER Launches Public Consultation Regarding LNG
  • Albania: Preliminary Report of Gas Master Plan
  • ŒBulgaria: New Prices for the Gas Interruptible Transmission Service
  • Romania: Amendment of the Law No. 123/2012 on Electricity and Natural Gas
  • EnC/Ukraine: Report on Ukraine’s Progress in Gas Market Reform


EU: G20 Energy Ministerial Meeting Decides on RES and Energy Efficiency Issues

other news:

  • Greece: Levy for Production Capacities not Connected to the Grid
  • Greece: Public Consultation on the Use of Energy Storage in RES Plants
  • Bulgaria: New Prices for Electricity from RES
  • ŒPoland: Approval of Two RES Acts


EU/ACER: Position Paper on the Regulatory Oversight Performing Monopoly Functions

other news:

  • EU: Commission Approves Italian State Aid Scheme including Support for RES
  • ŒEU: T-47/15 – Germany v Commission
  • EU: Approval of the Greek Temporary Flexibility Remuneration Mechanism
  • EU: Commission Approves State Aid of Denmark for Biogas
  • EU: Compatible Aid for Lignite Plants Shutdown in Germany
  • ŒEnC: Dispute Settlement against Serbia for Non-Compliance with the State Aid Acquis


EU: ENTSO-E European Framework for Energy Infrastructure Development

other news:

  • EU: ACER Publishes its Annual Report for Projects of Common Interest (PCIs)
  • EU: Gas Interconnection Agreements among Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Ukraine
  • ŒGreece: Updates on the Greek Gas Market
  • Ukraine: Public Consultations on Procedures for Grid Connection


EU: Published Report on Regional Interests in Energy Technologies

other news:

  • EnC: Western Balkan 6 (WB6) Agree on the Sustainability Charter
  • ŒUkraine: Draft Laws on Energy Efficiency Approved by the Government


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