Energy News – ESFA Program

Energy News – 39th Issue-National System Development Program for Gas (ESFA) for the period 2016-2025


EU: 2016 Reference Scenario – Trends to 2050

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EU: Consultation on the Establishment of the Annual Priority Lists for the Development of Network Codes and Guidelines for 2017 and beyond
ŒEU/ACER: Market Monitoring Findings on Wholesale Markets
ŒEU/CEER Draft Handbook on Harmonised Definitions of Retail Market Metrics
ŒBulgaria: Centralised Market for Bilateral Contracts
ŒPoland: Changes in Procurement Law Regarding the Energy Sector
ŒSerbia: Regulator Adopted Decision regarding Rights of End Consumers


EU: Study on National Rules and Practices regarding Security of Electricity Supply
ŒAlbania: Functioning the Market Model through the Energy Stock Market

other news:

Greece: Implementation of the Flexibility Service Capacity Mechanism
ŒGreece: Public Consultation on Permanent Capacity Mechanism
ŒGreece: Public Consultation on the Approval of the MCO Plan
ŒBiH: Consolidated Licensing Rules Adopted
ŒCroatia: Methodology for the Price of Balancing Electricity
ŒMontenegro: Methodologies on TSO, DSO and Market Operator Revenues
ŒSerbia: Prices for Non-standard Services of the Electricity DSO
ŒUkraine: Privatization Update


Greece: Public Consultations under the National System Development Program for Gas (ESFA) for the period 2016-2025

other news:

ACER: Consultation on “Congestion Indicators” for Gas Interconnection Points
ŒRomania: Methodology on Determination of the Minimal Stock Level of
ŒUkraine: Recent Developments on the Natural Gas Market


EU: European Commission Issues Strategy for Low-emission Mobility

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Croatia: Public Consultations on RES Law Implementation
ŒUkraine: Government Approves the Hydropower Development Program until 2026


EU: Decisions on the Hydroelectrica Cases

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EU: Commission Infringement Procedure against France and Ireland


Bulgaria: Gas Infrastructure Projects Plans and Implementation

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EU: Latest Map of key EU Cross-border Infrastructure Projects


EU: Studies on Energy Efficiency in Enterprises


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