NC on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms in Gas Transmission

Energy News – 47th Issue-NC on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms in Gas Transmission Systems


EU: NC on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms in Gas Transmission Systems
The Regulation sets up CAM in gas transmission systems for existing and incremental capacity. It provides commercial and technical rules for TSO cooperation in order to facilitate capacity sales. It regulates: a) the allocation of firm capacity products; b) bundling of capacity at interconnection points; c) incremental capacity process; and d) interruptable capacity.
When implicit capacity allocation method is applied, national regulatory authorities may decide not to apply the above provisions.

Greece: Natural Gas Distribution Network Code Adopted
On 20 February 2017, the Decision of the Greek Energy Regulatory Authority (RAE) No. 589/2016 of 21 December
2016 on approval of the Code on Management of the Greek Grid for Distribution of Natural Gas (Distribution Code) was published in the Official Journal B’ 487/2017. The Code regulates the terms and conditions for providing access to the three natural gas distribution grids (of Attika, of Thessaloniki and Thessalia and of the Rest of Greece which is owned 100% by DEPA).

Ukraine: Entry-Exit Tariffs for Domestic Gas Transportation, Regulation of Backhaul and PSO

On 28 March 2017, the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC) issued Resolution No. 348
and thereby set tariffs for transportation of natural gas within the territory of Ukraine, for virtual entry and exit points (comprising all the physical entry/exit points within a gas distribution area) into/from the Gas Transportation System of Ukraine, charged by the current Transmission System Operator (TSO) PJSC Ukrtransgaz. The Resolution is expected to ensure non-discriminatory access for all network users in compliance with the requirements of the Third Energy Package.

EU: Decision on Romanian Hidroelectrica’s Violation of State Aid Rules

The cases concern alleged violation of State aid rules by the State-owned Romanian company S.C. Hidroelectrica SA,
which is the main electricity producer in the country, by selling electricity to twelve companies, including eight electricity traders and two electrode producers. According to the Decision, Hidroelectrica signed long-term contracts with the above-mentioned companies, with the duration of between five and ten years. The prices set out in these contracts were ad hoc prices negotiated with each buyer and not determined by reference to a pre-existing tariff grid applied by Hidroelectrica, e.g. as a discount or mark-up on an applicable tariff or as a tariff step.

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