Amendment in the Law Regarding DESFA

Energy News – 49th Issue-Amendment in the Law Regarding DESFA

Energy Markets

  • EnC: Secretariat Signs MoU with EBRD
  • Montenegro: Public Debate on Resolving Disputes through Arbitration


  • SEE CAO: Public Consultation on Set of Rules
  • Albania: Decision on the Template Agreement for the Participation in the Market
  • BiH: ERS Publishes Rules on Electricity Supply and Trading
  • BiH: Procedure on Ancillary Services Published
  • Greece: Remedial Structural Measures for the Access of PPC on Lignite
  • Greece: RAE Issues Manual on Electricity Theft
  • Greece: Organisation of the Balancing Markets
  • Romania: Order no. 38/2017 Published
  • Serbia: AERS Adopts Reports on Regulation of Electricity Prices
  • Ukraine: Electricity Market Law Enters Into Force
  • Ukraine: Issues regarding Cross-Border Capacity Allocation Rules

Oil & Gas

  • EU: ACER Reports on Contractual Congestion in the Gas Transmission Network
  • Albania: Preliminary Certification of ALBGAZ SH.A.
  • Greece: Amendment in the Law Regarding DESFA
  • Ukraine: NEURC Approves Pricing Procedure for Oil Transportation by Main Pipelines


  • EU: ACER Proposes Improvements to the Energy Infrastructure Package
  • EU/ENTSO-G: CEE 2017 Regional Investment Plan Published
  • Bulgaria: Non-binding Demand Assessment Indications at Interconnection Points
  • Greece: DESFA Published Business Rules on the IA with BULGARTRANSGAZ

Competition – State Aid

  • EU: Commission Clears Support to Energy Intensive Users in Latvia
  • EU: Italy’s Reductions of Surcharges on EIUs Compatible with the Internal] Market
  • EU: Croatian Support to RES producers is Cleared by the Commission
  • EU: Commission Finds Compatible Latvian Support Scheme to RES and CHP Producers
  • EU/Greece: Judgment Regarding PPC’s Complaints on State Aid


  • Bulgaria: Public Hearings on RES Issues

Energy Efficiency

  • EU: Commission Launches New Mobility Package
  • EU: New Energy Labels for Household Appliances
  • Ukraine: Parliament Adopts the Law on Energy Efficiency Fund


  • Ukraine: Environmental Impact Assessment Law Enacted

Greece: Draft Law on Energy Communities

On 7 June 2017, the Greek Ministry of
Environment and Energy launched a public
consultation on the draft Law on energy
communities, with duration until 26 June 2017.
The Draft Law defines energy communities as
civil law partnership with exclusive aim to
promote social economy, solidarity and
innovation in energy, respond to energy needs,
promote energy sustainability in production,
storage, self-consumption, distribution and
supply of energy, and to increase energy
efficiency in final consumption on local and
regional level. This Draft law has raised sizable
attention in Greece, primary of the energy
market stakeholders but also of interested
individuals. Thus, the response to the
consultations is considerable.

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