ACER – CEER: 2016 Annual Market Monitoring Reports

Energy News – 53d Issue-EU/ ACER – CEER: 2016 Annual Market Monitoring Reports

EU/ ACER – CEER: 2016 Annual Market Monitoring Reports: On 6 October 2017, the ACER-CEER jointly
published the 2016 Wholesale Market Monitoring Reports. The Annual Reports on the Results of Monitoring the Internal Electricity and Natural Gas Markets consist of four volumes: Gas Wholesale Market Volume; Electricity Wholesale Market Volume; Electricity and Gas Retail Volume; and Consumer Protection and Empowerment Volume.

EU: Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 Guideline on TSO: On 2 August 2017, the European Commission issued Regulation no. 2017/1485 establishing a guideline on electricity transmission system operation, which was published in the Official Journal of the European Union L 220/1 as of 25 August 2017. With increasing interconnection between TSOs, this System Operations Guideline provides a set of rules and regulations governing the system operations, and particularly Operational Security, Operational Planning and Scheduling, Load Frequency Control and Reserves.

EU/ France: Conseil d’ État Decision on Regulated Tariffs of Gas Supply: The French Supreme Administrative Court Conseil d’État judged by its Decision no.370321 that the public service obligation (PSO) of supplying natural gas at regulated tariffs in France breaches EU law. More precisely, it affirmed that no general economic interest objective justifies the French legislation on regulated tariffs for the sale of natural gas.

EU/ENTSO-E and ENTSOG: Consultations on Joint TYNDP 2018 Scenario Report and Mid-term Adequacy Forecast 2017: On 2 October 2017, the European Networks of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and Gas (ENTSOG) launched a public consultation on their joint draft TYNDP 2018 Scenario Report. The main objective of the consultation is to gather stakeholders’ feedback in regard to a set of scenarios, elaborated by ENTSO-E and ENTSOG with due account of the input received from the stakeholders, non-governmental organisations, National Regulatory Authorities and Member States. Moreover, on 2 October 2017, ENTSO-E issued for public consultation a new edition of the Midterm Adequacy Forecast (MAF) 2017, which is a state-of-the-art pan-European mathematical analysis of security of electricity supply up to 2020 and 2025.

EU/C-329/15: CJEU Rules on the Obligation to Purchase Electricity Produced by Cogeneration in Poland: On 13 September 2017, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) issued its decision on case C-329/15, following a request for a preliminary ruling submitted by the Supreme Court of Poland in the context of a dispute between ENEA and the president of the Office for the regulation of energy (URE). The object of the dispute in the main proceedings was the imposition of a financial penalty on ENEA by the URE for breach of its obligation to purchase a certain quota (15% for the year 2006) of electricity produced by cogeneration with the production of
heat from energy sources connected to the network and situated in the Republic of Poland.

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