Energy News – Emissions Trading

Energy News – 34th Issue-Allocation of Funds of the Emissions Trading Scheme to RES Producers and Others


EnC/Ukraine: Secretariat Highlights Recent Developments in Energy Sector of Ukraine/Update on
Privatisation of Energy Companies

other news:

  • EU: Commission Requests Austria, Belgium and Croatia to Fully Comply with Third Energy Package
  • ŒEU/Greece: Second Phase of REMIT Data Collection in EU and Greece
  • Albania: National Plan Sets Priorities in Energy
  • BiH: Bosnia and Herzegovina Signs the International Energy Charter


Serbia: Successful Launch of Serbian and Croatian Power Exchanges

other news:

  • EU: EESC Publishes Opinions on Commission’s Consultations
  • EU: MoU on Common Methodology for Capacity Calculation at the CWE and CEE Regions
  • ŒEU: ENTSO-E Responds to EU Study on Options for Future Electricity System Operation
  • ŒEU: ENTSO-E Launches Consultation on TERRE Project regarding Replacement Reserves
  • Ukraine: Draft Laws on Electricity Market and Energy Market Regulator Submitted to Parliament
  • Serbia: Public Consultation on a Text of Rules regarding Publication of Key Market Data
  • Croatia: Certification of Croatian Electricity Transmission System Operator


EnC: Study on Cross-Border Gas Market Integration

other news:

  • EU: The CJEU Upholds Restrictive Measures against the National Iran Oil Company
  • EU: Commission Requests Greece, the Netherlands and Portugal to Transpose the Offshore Safety Directive
  • EnC: Secretariat Issues Second CESEC Report on Gas Market Integration
  • EU/Greece: Launch of LNG Poseidon Med II Programme
  • Greece: DEPA and Gazprom Export Agree on Non-Payment of Take-or-Pay Clause for 2015


Greece: Public Consultation on New Support Scheme for RES and CHP

other news:

  • EU: Meeting of the European Electricity Regulatory Forum
  • EU: Study on the Regimes for Granting Right to Use Hydropower in Europe
  • Greece: Allocation of Funds of the Emissions Trading Scheme to RES Producers and Others
  • Romania: ANRE Sets the Mandatory Quota of Acquisition of Green Certificates for 2015
  • Croatia: Producers no Longer Required to Obtain Preliminary Decision on Acquiring the Status of Privileged
    Electricity Producer
  • Serbia: Agreement between Serbia and Germany on Eco-loans
  • Montenegro: Notification to Parties Interested to Invest in RES Projects


EU: Commission Finds the Agreement between Greece and TAP Compatible with State Aid Rules


EU: CEER Report on Investment Conditions in European Countries

other news:

  • EU: Commission Launches Investment Portal for Project Promoters and Investors
  • Greece/Bulgaria: Extension of Deadline for Expression of Interest for the IGB Pipeline
  • Greece: Gazprom, DEPA and Edison SpA Sign MoU on Natural Gas Deliveries


EU: Analysis of Building Renovation Strategies of EU Member States in the Frame of the
Energy Efficiency Directive

other news:

  • EU: Commission Requests Spain to Comply with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
  • ŒSerbia: Decree on Financing Improvements of Efficient Use of Energy for 2016


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