Energy News – Greek Gas Retail Market

Energy News – Greek Gas Retail Market


  • EU: Commission Initiates Public Consultation on Assessment of the
    Intergovernmental Agreements Decision
  • EU: CEER Publishes Response to the European Commission Consultation on OTC
    Derivatives, Central Counterparties and Trade Repositories
  • EU/Greece: Recent Developments in the Implementation of REMIT by ACER and
    the Greek Market Operator
  • Greece: Energy Market Reforms Agreed within the Framework of the Third MoU with
    Greece’s Lenders
  • Serbia: Regulatory Agency Issues New Rules on Switching Energy Supplier
  • Poland: New Act on Control Over Certain Investments
  • Croatia: Ordinance on Licences for Conducting Energy Activities


  • EU: Commission Adopts Regulation 2015/1222 Establishing a Guideline on Capacity
    Allocation and Congestion Management
  • EU: ENTSO-E Consultation on Capacity Calculation Regions
  • Greece: Announcements regarding the Opening of the Electricity Market at the Non-
    Interconnected Islands
  • Bulgaria: The New Energy System Security Fund in Bulgaria
  • Ukraine: Draft Code of Electricity Grids Published for Public Consultation
  • Croatia: General Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Electricity Network and
    Electricity Supply


  • EU: ENTSOG Submits Revised Network Code on Harmonised Transmission Tariff
    Structures for Gas to ACER
  • EU: ENTSOG Publishes Recommendation Paper on Issues Related to Bundling of
  • Greece: Reform of Greek Gas Retail Market
  • Ukraine: Draft Law Introduces Reduction of Rent Payments for Gas Extraction
  • Croatia: Act on Safety in Offshore Exploration and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons
  • FYRoM: Security of Supply at Stake in FYRoM due to Court Decisions for Makpetrol


  • Ukraine: NEURC Approves Compensation for RES Producers
  • Romania: ANRE Issues Order on the Methodology of Establishing the Mandatory Annual Quotas of Electricity produced from RES Benefiting from the System of Green Certificates
  • Romania: ANRE Raises the Mandatory Quota of Electricity Produced from RES Benefiting from the System of Green Certificates for 2016
  • BiH – RS: Public Consultation on a Regulation on Biofuels
  • BiH – FBiH: Public Consultation on Amendments to the Rulebook on the Minimum Quantities of RES


  • EU: Commission Does Not Raise Objections to the Extension of Already Approved State Aid Scheme to Energy Intensive Undertakings


  • EU: Commission Initiates Public Consultation on Additional Projects of Common Interest in ȅil, Gas and Electricity

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