Energy News – Press Release on Sale of DESFA

Energy News – 43rd Issue-Press Release on Sale of DESFA

Energy Markets

EU: Winter Package on Governance of the Energy Union
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ŒEU/Ukraine: New Agreement on Strategic Energy Partnership
ŒEU: Commission’s Report on Energy Prices and Costs across Europe
ŒEU: Public Consultation of CEER on Energy Losses
ŒEU: MoU on Energy Cooperation between the EU and the EBRD
ŒSerbia: EMS Rules on Publication of Key Market Data Approved
ŒEU: Notification on IGAs with non-EU Countries
ŒFYR of Macedonia: Monitoring of Energy Markets


EU: Commission Publishes Proposal of the New Electricity Market Rules
other news:
ŒEnC/Albania: Hearing on TSO Certification under Third Energy Package
ŒGreece: Public Consultation on Drafting of Market Codes
ŒGreece: DEDDIE Announces Liberalization of the Electricity Market in Rhodes
Greece: Public Consultation on Cumulative Representation of the Last Resort
ŒBiH: State Electricity Regulatory Commission Joined the CEER
ŒBulgaria: Market Abuse Regulation for Energy Trade
ŒFYR of Macedonia: Amendments to Regulation on Licensing of Energy Activities
ŒMontenegro: Decisions of the Montenegrin Energy Regulator
ŒSerbia: Approval of Agreements on Cross-border Capacity Allocation
ŒSerbia: Decision on Electricity Market Rules
ŒSerbia: Harmonization of Methodologies with New Energy Law
ŒUkraine: NEURC and TSO Attempt to Simplify Grid Connection Procedure

Oil & Gas

Greece: Public Consultation on the Natural Gas Distribution Code
other news:
ŒGreece: MoU on LNG between DEPA and Attica Group
ŒGreece: Press Release on Sale of DESFA. On 30 November 2016, the Greek Ministry of Environment and
Energy issued a press release regarding the sale of Hellenic Gas
Transmission System Operator S.A. (DESFA)

ŒCroatia: Public Consultation on the Rulebook on the Use of the Gas Storage System
ŒFYR of Macedonia: Consultation on the Regulated Income of TSO for 2017 – 2021
ŒUkraine: Recent Developments on Natural Gas Market


EU: Winter Package for RES
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ŒGreece: Decision of RAE on the Bidding Procedure for PV installations
ŒGreece: Public Consultation on the Proposed Model Contract for Hybrid Stations in the NII
ŒGreece: RAE’s Opinion on the Model PPA for RES and CHP Plants
ŒAlbania: Legislative Initiative on Promoting Renewables
ŒRomania: Amendments in the System Promoting Green Certificates

Competition-State Aid

EU: Denmark’s State Aid Scheme for Energy-Intensive Users
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ŒEU: Romanian Support Measure for a Wind Power Plant
ŒEU: Polish Support Measure for Energy-Intensive Users
ŒEU: Commission Approves Four French RES Support Schemes

Energy Infrastructure

EU: Report on Implementation of Energy Infrastructure Funding and Communications on Clean
Energy Innovation and Transport Systems
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ŒEU: Consultation on Evaluation of Connecting Europe Facility
ŒGreece: Commitment and Capacity Allocation Auction for Kulata-Sidirokastro
ŒSerbia: Public Consultation on the Draft TSDP for 2017-202

Energy Efficiency

EU: Energy Efficiency in Clean Energy Package
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ŒEU: New Database on the Energy Performance of Buildings
ŒEU: Studies on Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes
ŒAlbania: Establishment of the Agency for Energy Efficiency

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