Energy News – Prevention of Environmental Damages

Energy News – 35th Issue-Prevention of Environmental Damages


EU: CEER’s Reports on Implementation of TSO and DSO Unbundling Provisions

other news:

  • EU: CEER’s Report on Removing Barriers to Entry in EU Retail Energy Markets
  • ŒSerbia: Regulator Adopts Rulebook to Strengthen its Regulatory and Supervisory Role
  • ŒUkraine: Draft Law on Energy Regulator Passes First Reading in the Parliament


EU: ENTSO-E Launches Three Public Consultations on Network Codes Implementation

other news:

  • EU: Second Phase of REMIT Data Reporting Started
  • EU: ENTSO-E Publishes R&D Monitoring Report 2015
  • EU: ENTSO-E Publishes Agreement on Regional Cooperation
  • EU: Commission Sets up Expert Group for Electricity interconnection Targets
  • EnC: Third Monitoring Report on Western Balkans 6 Energy Connectivity Initiative
  • Greece: Further Steps in Application of the Interruptibility Service
  • Greece: Report on Compliance of Network Operator with Obligations for Guaranteed Services
  • Greece: RAE Issues Decisions on the Opening of the Electricity Market at the NII
  • Bulgaria: Introduction of a Centralised Market for Bilateral Contracts by the Bulgarian Energy Exchange
  • Croatia: Consultation on Amendments to the Rules on Electricity Market Organisation


Croatia: New Regulations in the Oil and Gas Sector

other news:

  • EU: Study on Enhancing the Bargaining Power of EU Buyers in the Wholesale Gas Markets
  • Greece: Declaration of Intent on Cooperation with Cyprus and Israel on Prevention of Environmental Damages
  • Montenegro: Update on the Offshore Hydrocarbons Exploration Procedures
  • Bulgaria: Public Consultation on Draft Acts on Natural Gas Balancing
  • Poland: Public Consultation on Allocation Rules at the Interconnection Point Mallnow
  • Ukraine: Amended Procedures for Obtaining Permit for Extraction Purposes
  • Ukraine: New Methodology for Calculation of Connection Tariffs for Gas Transmission and Distribution Networks
  • Ukraine: Ukrtransgaz Implements Operational Balancing Account


EnC: Albania, FYR of Macedonia and BiH Adopt National Action Plans
other news:

  • ŒEU: Study on Current and Future Heating/Cooling Fuel Deployment
  • Greece: Announcements on Unimplemented RES Projects and on Available Power Margin for P/V at Crete
  • Ukraine: Procedure for Determination of Ratio of Ukrainian Equipment Used for Construction of RES Installations


EU: Commission’s Interim Report on Electricity Capacity Mechanisms

other news:

  • EU: Attorney General Interprets Conditions on Exemption from Notification Obligation
  • EU: Commission Finds State Aid for Finnish LNG Terminal Compatible with the Single Market


Greece/Albania: Developments regarding the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP)

other news:

  • EU: Project Data Collection for Ten Year Network Development Plan 2017
  • EU: Financing of Key EU Energy Infrastructure Projects under CEF
  • Romania: Urgency Ordinance on the Acceleration of Implementation of TEN-T projects
  • Montenegro: Draft Rules for Drawing up and Monitoring Implementation of Ten-Year Network Development Plans


Poland: Draft Energy Efficiency Act Submitted to the Parliament

other news:

  •  EU: New Funding Available for Energy Efficient Projects
  • EU: Assessment of the Implications for the European Union of the Paris Climate Agreement


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