Energy News – Strategic Energy Technology Plan

Energy News – Strategic Energy Technology Plan

Energy Markets

EU: Commission Publishes Communication on Integrated Strategic Energy Technology Plan


EU: Member States Approve Network Code on High Voltage Direct Current Connections
other news:
Croatia: Government Adopts Regulation on Amendments to the Electricity Market Act
ŒGreece: Energy Regulator Publishes Instructions to Electricity Suppliers
ŒGreece: News on Opening of the Electricity Market at the Non-Interconnected Islands

Oil & Gas

Greece: RAE Approves DESFA’s Proposal on Provisional Measures for the Application of the
European Balancing Code
other news:
ŒEU: Commission Publishes Roadmap on the Effectiveness of Recommendation on Unconventional Hydrocarbons
ŒEU/ Poland: ECJ Finds that Poland Violated EU Rules Governing the Internal Gas Market
ŒEU: Study on the Role of Gas Storage in the Internal Market
ŒUkraine: Public Consultations on Draft Gas Transmission, Distribution and Storage Network Codes
ŒUkraine: Harmonising Legislation with the Law on Natural Gas Market
ŒUkraine: Consultation on Temporary Measures for Gas Market Participants
ŒRomania: Court Includes Shale Gas under the Legal Definition of “Petroleum Resources”
ŒRomania: Draft Law on the Safety of Oil and Gas Offshore Operations
ŒAlbania: Intensification of Collaboration with Switzerland in the Energy Sector
ŒGreece: Public Consultation on an Update to the Gas Preventive Action Plan
ŒGreece: RAE Approves Study on Compensation of Operational Gas for 2016


EU: New Directive Amends the RES Directive regarding Biofuels
other news:
ŒPoland: Ministry Publishes Draft Regulation on RES Reference Prices for 2016
ŒUkraine: Government Abolishes Licensing Obligation for Trade in Biofuels
ŒUkraine: Licensing and Tariff Setting for Certain Heat Producers by Local Authorities
ŒGreece: RAE Launches Public Consultation on PPAs for Biomass Power Stations at the Non-Interconnected

Competition- State Aid

EU: The European Commission Approves Two Different Danish State Aid Schemes in the Energy

Energy Infrastructure

Croatia: Government Designates LNG terminal Krk a Strategic Investment Project

Energy Efficiency

Greece: Draft Energy Efficiency Law submitted to the Parliament


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