Greece sets out legal framework for offshore wind plants

Greece sets out legal framework for offshore wind plants

(Article by Mira Todorovic Symeonides, Partner, published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on September 19, 2022)

The legal framework for the development of offshore wind plants in Greece was introduced in July 2022 by Law No. 4964/2022.(1) It
regulates the main steps of the licencing and approval procedures, the authorities in charge and provides authorisations to the Ministry of
Environment and Energy and other ministries for further, more detailed regulations.

Main steps of procedures

Offshore wind research licence

A research licence grants the right to the investor, its holder, to perform the research, technical studies and measuring necessary for the
planning and developing of offshore wind parks in each area of planned development of offshore wind parks (the development area). The
licences will be issued by the state-owned company Hellenic Hydrocarbons Management Company, which will be renamed the Hellenic
Hydrocarbons and Energy Resources Management Company (HEREMA). The eligible investors should:

  • be individuals or legal entities established in an EU member state or in third countries which have concluded international
    agreement(s) with the European Union, providing mutual opening of renewables markets and to the extent that the issuing of the
    licence falls within the scope of these agreements;
  • have sufficient professional and technical capacity and evidenced specific experience;
  • have sufficient financial strength; and
  • provide a bank guarantee in the amount of €10 thousand per megawatt.

Tenders for receiving of operational state aid
The Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) will organise tenders for receiving operational state aid for each development area. Only
investors that hold a research licence may participate in these tenders. The winners of such tenders shall, in addition to securing the price
for sold electricity, have the exclusive right to proceed with further licensing to develop and exploit each respective development area.
Subsequently, they will sign an agreement on operational aid – which is a contract for difference – with the reference price achieved in
the bidding process.

Producers certificate
The RAE will issue producers’ certificates, in compliance with the renewable energy source (RES) Licensing Regulation, to research
licence holders that receive exclusivity on certain development areas. The certificate will be valid for up to 30 years and may be renewed
for the same period of time. The maximum capacities shall be determined in a presidential decree to be issued in compliance with this

Other licences
The producers’ certificate holders must futher obtain all other licences and permits provided in the RES legislation for onshore RES plants
and within the time limits provided to them.

Connection to grid
The holders of the producers’ certificates must apply to the Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO) for the issuance of a
binding offer for connection to the grid, and must also submit a technical study regarding connection to the grid. The cost of the
connection is paid for by the investor. The binding offer remains in effect until the installation licence is issued and an agreement on
connection to the grid is signed by IPTO. Subsequently, the grid bond is returned to the investor. IPTO has exclusive responsibility for
planning, the performance of the connection works and the operation of the connection from the system to the connection point with the
offshore wind development area. All of this must comply with the study on the strategic planning of development of connection works for
offshore wind included in the 10-year system development plan approved by the RAE.

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