Our History

History / Reputation

Our History

Since its establishment in 1977, Rokas has developed an extensive international network of independent law firms and business consulting companies spanning the Central and Southeast European region. The firm is active in Athens, with branch offices located in Sofia and Thessaloniki, and other key business hubs, including Belgrade, Bucharest, Podgorica, Prague, Sarajevo, Skopje and Tirana.

Rokas having the ability to conduct business in a variety of languages and in-depth knowledge of local specifics, cultures and business practices, has provided comprehensive legal advice in a multitude of projects in the SE European region, including working closely (in the process of legislative reform) with the governments of several countries with economies in transition, a fact which has helped us understand the significance of procedure and timing of every project, as well as the political and policy factors in every deal.

Rokas is fully committed to providing business-focused, high-quality legal advice, tailor-made to the actual needs of its clients, which include multinational commercial corporations active in banking, finance, energy, telecommunications, technology, construction, real estate, services, etc.; businesses in the aluminium, steel and gas sectors; tobacco and courier companies; State institutions, regulators, etc.

In addition, Rokas has been project leader and member of consortia in various projects concerning the strengthening, modernisation and regulation in the sectors of insurance, energy and environment, telecommunications, supporting the public administration and justice reforms, assisting in privatizations in several countries of Central and SE Europe, and in former USSR States.