Policy Guidelines on Grid Integration of Prosumers

Energy News – 57th Issue-Policy Guidelines on Grid Integration of Prosumers


Energy Markets

  • EnC: Transposition of Third Energy Package Network Codes and Guidelines in Electricity and Gas


  • Bulgaria: Court Rejects Energy Producers’ Appeals
    Regarding Hourly Production Forecast Schedules
  • Bulgaria: Acquisition of IBEX
  • Croatia: Regulation Adopted to Simplify Grid Connection
  • Greece: RAE’s Decision n. 94/2018 on the Approval of
    Intraday Coupling Products
  • Greece: RAE’s Decisions on Supplier of Last Resort and
    Universal Service Provider
  • Serbia: MoU on Merger of HUPX and SEEPEX

Oil & Gas

  • EU/Romania: Non-Compliance with Oil Stocks Directive and
    Rules on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure
  • Serbia: Assessment of Infringement of Competition Rules by
    the Gas TSO
  • Greece: Lease Agreement on the Right to Research and
    Exploit Hydrocarbons


  • EU: Member States Invest in Clean Energy Projects
  • EU: ENTSO-E Publishes Reports on 2040 Vision

Competition – State Aid

  • EU SA.48780: Prolongation of the Greek Demand Response
  • EU: SA.49509: Commission Decides on Slovak Preferential
    Taxes for Biofuels


  • EU: IRENA Issues its RES Report
  • Greece: RAE’s Opinion on RES Auctions Until 2020
  • Romania: ANRE Decisions Concerning Electricity Producers
    in High-Efficiency Cogeneration
  • Serbia: EMS Establishes Issuance and Administration of
    Guarantees of Origin

EnC: Secretariat Publishes Policy Guidelines on Grid Integration of Prosumers

On 5 February 2018, Energy Community Secretariat (EnC Secretariat) published its policy guidelines (Guidelines) on
grid integration of prosumers. The Guidelines provide a set of recommendations of good practice for all important
aspects that have to be considered to make self-consumption schemes fully operative in Energy Community Contracting Parties (CPs). They are a product of an initiative of ECDSO-E, an informal group bringing together Energy Community DSOs.


  • EU: Revision of the European Emissions Trading System –
    Phase 4

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