

Rokas (Bucharest) I.K. Rokas & Partners - Limited Liability Law Firm 45 Polona Str., District 1 Bucharest, Romania
Phone(+40 21) 4117405
Fax(+40 21) 4118293

The practice areas in which Rokas (Bucharest) has developed significant expertise include: banking & finance, insolvency & restructuring, insurance & reinsurance, intellectual property, labour, competition, mergers & acquisitions, construction & real estate, corporate & commercial, litigation & arbitration.

Rokas (Bucharest), part of the Rokas network, was established in Romania as a Law Firm in 2000 and since then provides a wide range of legal services in many areas of Romanian law to both international and local clients. It has an established banking and financial sector practice, assisting various credit and non banking financial institutions in their relations with the regulatory and supervision authorities.

Rokas (Bucharest) benefits of a strong team of lawyers with experience in banking, litigation, insolvency and enforcement, as well as in real estate, being able to offer legal assistance for complex matters in these fields. The firm – besides its professional knowledge and experience – always adopts a commercial attitude, in all legal files/cases in which it is involved.


Banking & Finance, Insolvency & Restructuring, Insurance & Reinsurance, Intellectual Property, Labour, Competition, Mergers & Acquisitions, Construction & Real Estate, Corporate & Commercial, Litigation & Arbitration.


Cristina Constantinescu – Email c.constantinescu@rokas.com
Cristian Ionescu – Email c.ionescu@rokas.com
Valentin-Viorel Radoi – Email v.radoi@rokas.com