Regulation of Second Electricity Term Products (NOME) Auction

Energy News – 44th Issue-Regulation of the Second Electricity Term Products (NOME) Auction


Greece: Regulation of the Second Electricity Term Products (NOME) Auction

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Greece: Regulation of the Second Electricity Term Products (NOME) Auction

On 21 December 2016, the Regulatory Energy Authority
(RAE) issued three decisions regarding the organization
of the second electricity term products sale auction by the
Public Power Corporation (PPC): a) the first, Decision No.
618/2016, regulates the amendments of the Electricity
Transactions Code (OJ B’ 104/2012 as amended), the
Operation of the Electricity Transmission System Code
(OJ B’ 103/2012 as amended) and the Electricity Term
Products Transactions Code (OJ B’ 3164/2016)
amending details of the NOME auction procedures; b) the
second, Decision No. 619/2016, regulates the annual
quantities of electricity which will be sold on NOME
auctions in 2017, defines the products to be sold and
provides for the auctions time table; and c) the third,
Decision No. 620/2016, sets the administrative fees to be
paid by the selected supplier per auction at €356.000.

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