Taxation News – Certificate of incomes

Taxation News – 9th Issue (May 2016)-Certificate of incomes by dividends, interests and royalties


  • Changes to Tax Provisions
  • Alterations to Income Tax Code
  • New online services by the General Secretary of Public Revenues
  • Incorporation of Directive 2014/107/EU regarding the mandatory exchange of information in the field of taxation
  • Incorporation of Directive 2014/86/EU and 2015/121/EU regarding the conditions for exemption from taxation on intra-group dividends
  • The unjustified increase of property can be taxed, even if it appears before 30.9.2010, when law 3888/2010 came into force. The issue was solved by the No 884/2016 substantial preliminary ruling of the Council of State
  • Certificate of incomes by dividends, interests and royalties

On the 30th of December 2015, the General Secretary of Public Revenues issued the No
1274/30.12.2015 Circular for the form and the content of the certificate of incomes deriving by
dividends, interests and royalties. Specifically, the persons that are obliged to withholding
taxation for payments, subject to the said tax, made either to natural or legal persons are entitled
to grant to them a single certificate. This certificate includes the total amount of incomes by
dividends, interests and royalties paid within the fiscal year and the tax withheld. The same
obligation exists and to cases where no withholding taxation arises. Moreover, the persons that
are obliged to withholding taxation must submit the single certificate of incomes from distributed
dividends from non-listed in the Stock Exchange market legal persons, interests (except the
interests on deposits), and the royalties via TAXISnet or via magnetic tool to the Tax Authority
regardless of keeping single or double entry books and the way they update them (by the
computerized system or handwritten). For the fiscal year 2015 the said certificate must be
submitted until 31st of December 2016.


A General Anti-Avoidance Rule towards big tax optimisations


Government Decree on the approval of the Methodological norms for the application of the New Romanian Fiscal Code


Proposal for Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive


Country-by-Country Reporting Standard

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