
Prohibition of new RES plants under “roadless mountains” initiative (Article by Dr Maria Ioannou,  Senior Associate  published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on April 4, 2022) On 31 December 2021, the Ministry of Environment and Energy issued a decision(1) that introduces a general prohibition of any road works and –...
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Η νέα Οδηγία 2021/2118 σχετικά με την τροποποίηση και συμπλήρωση της κωδικοποιημένης Οδηγίας 2009/103 για την υποχρεωτική ασφάλιση από ατυχήματα αυτοκινήτων. Ι. Με την Οδηγία 2021/21181 για την τροποποίηση της κωδ/ης Οδηγίας 2009/103/ΕΚ2, με την οποία έχει εναρμονιστεί το ελληνικό δίκαιο με τον κ.ν. 489/1976, όπως ισχύει σήμερα μετά από μία σειρά τροποποιήσεών του, επήλθαν...
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Conditional permission for installation of solar PV plants on legally cultivated forested areas (Article by Dr Maria Ioannou,  Senior Associate  published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on March 28, 2022) On 10 December 2021, a new law(1) was enacted which introduced amendments to the provisions of forest legislation regarding the...
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New regulation over participation of small RES plants in auctions (Article by Dr Maria Ioannou,  Senior Associate  published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on March 21, 2022) On 27 December 2021, the minister of energy published a decision in the Official Gazette. The decision determined the details of renewable energy...
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Determination of technologies and procedures for next Renewable Energy Solution (RES) operational aid auctions (Article by Mira Todorovic Symeonides, Partner, published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on March 14, 2022) Introduction On 23 December 2021, the Ministry of Environment and Energy issued Decision No. 123726/5096, which determined: the technologies and/or...
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Extension of various deadlines for RES projects (Article by Dr Maria Ioannou,  Senior Associate  published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on March 7, 2022)   This article outlines recent extensions to various deadlines for renewable energy source (RES) projects. Extension of performance guarantees for participation in RES auctionsOn 8 December...
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New environmental provisions introduced with Energy Law (Article by Dr Maria Ioannou,  Senior Associate  published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on March 7, 2022) Law 4843/2021 was enacted in October 2021.(1) The new law contains mainly energy-related provisions – for example, on the transposition into national law of the EU...
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RAE decision on amendments to electricity grid codes (Article by Andriani Kantilieraki, Associate published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on Feb 28, 2022) On 27 October 2021, the Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) issued decision No. 807/2021(1) on the amendment of: the Greek Electricity Transmission System Operation (TSO) Code; and...
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Transposition of EU Energy Efficiency Directive in Greece (Article by Dr Maria Ioannou, Senior Associate and Sofia Getimi, Associate published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on Feb 28, 2022) On 20 October 2021, Law No. 4843/2021 was published in the Official Gazette. Among other things, the law: transposed Directive (EU)...
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Αcknowledgement for Aleksandar Mladenovic by the World Bank Group Athens, February 2022 — Aleksandar Mladenovic our Attorney at Law in Serbia, (Mladenovic & Stankovic in cooperation with Rokas), has been acknowledged for his 10year contribution in preparing Doing Business Reports, edited and published under World Bank auspices. The World Bank Group is one of the...
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