
Foreign Investment Review, 2023 Chapter for Greece drafted by Dr Dimitrios Chatzimichael,Partner,  Ioanna Tolia, Associate and Lampros Papaioannou,  Associate, published in Lexology GTDT Table of contents LAW AND POLICY What, in general terms, are your government’s policies and practices regarding oversight and review of foreign investment? Foreign investments are considered important for Greece’s economic growth...
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New law introduces significant changes to energy regulatory framework (Article by Mira Todorovic Symeonides, Partner, published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on June 19, 2023) New law introduces significant changes to energy regulatory framework Law 5037/2023, published in the Official Journal,(1) introduces significant amendments regarding various energy- and environment- related...
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THOMSON REUTERS REGULATORY INTELLIGENCE: ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING 2023 (Contribution by Aleksandar Mladenovic, Attorney at Law in Rokas Belgrade, published in Thomson Reuters, Regulatory Intelligence, Country update – Serbia: AML, June 2023) The legislative framework in this area is set under the Law for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing (Official Gazette of RS,...
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European Commission approves Greek state aid schemes (Article by Panagiota Maragkozoglou, Associate published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on June 12, 2023) European Commission approves Greek state aid schemes Rokas| Energy & Natural Resources – Greece IntroductionThe European Commission recently approved four different state aid schemes in Greece that, respectively,...
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Legal framework for increasing renewable energy in Greece (Article by Mira Todorovic Symeonides, Partner, and Panagiota Maragkozoglou, Associate published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on June 5, 2023) Introduction Over the past decade, Greece has made considerable efforts to achieve a green transition by increasing the number of renewable energy...
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Energy News – 78th Issue-Beginning of trading on the Albanian Energy Exchange Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Planning and Construction in Serbia New round of the “Green Photovoltaic House” program in Romania Beginning of trading on the Albanian Energy Exchange On 07 April 2023, the Energy Regulatory Body (ERE), following the previous...
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Cancellation of insurance policy on the grounds of unfair business-to-consumer commercial practice (Directive 05/29) by Xenia Kretsovali The CJEU in case number C-208/21 (preliminary ruling of 02.02.2023), ruled that the consumer is entitled to request the cancellation of insurance policy in accordance with the provision of Directive 05/29 on unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices. In the...
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Energy News – 77th Issue-Amendments to the levy imposed on gas–fired electricity producers 1. Editor’s note 2. Amendments to the levy imposed on gas–fired electricity producers On 2 March 2023, Law No. 5027/2023 was published in the Official Journal Α΄ 48/02.03.2023, introducing amendments to the Greek energy sector among other regulations. The Law amends the...
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“Ministry of Energy publishes decision on temporary mechanism for return of part of proceeds on intraday market” (Article by Athina Zoi, Associate published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on April 24, 2023) On 20 January 2023, a decision by the Greek Ministry of Environment and Energy(1) was published in the...
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“Is strict liability of the driver of the damaging vehicle moving at a (very) low speed justifiable?” Contribution of our Senior Associate Kosmas Karanikolas to the 1st issue 2023 of the Greek legal journal “Commercial Law Review” (EΕμπΔ) Στην Ελλάδα η ρύθμιση, αφενός, της ευθύνης του οδηγού που προξενεί αυτοκινητικό ατύχημα, αφετέρου, της υποχρέωσής του...
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