Award of the AIDA Medal and honorary Presidency

Award of the AIDA Medal and honorary Presidency to Prof. Dr. I. Rokas

At the recent AIDA World Congress (11 – 13/10/18) in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Prof. Dr. Ioannis Rokas, Senior Partner and founder of Rokas Law Firm, was awarded the AIDA Medal for his longstanding commitment to the Insurance Law practice and the objectives of AIDA. He has moved from being Vice President to the position of honorary President of the International Organisation, upon the decision of AIDA’s Presidential Council at the Rio World Congress.

AIDA (International Insurance Law Association) was formed in 1960 and has a global membership of 56 national professional insurance law associations. Some of these have more than 800 professionals as members, while many of these members are acknowledged insurance law specialists in their jurisdictions. AIDA can thus resource from the knowledge and experience of over 10.000 insurance law and related matters experts.

By awarding the medal and the honorary presidency, AIDA has recognised Prof. Dr. Ioannis Rokas’ expertise and life-long commitment to the in-depth understanding and proper implementation of insurance law and practice around the world.

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