Αcknowledgement for Aleksandar Mladenovic by the World Bank Group Athens, February 2022 — Aleksandar Mladenovic our Attorney at Law in Serbia, (Mladenovic & Stankovic in cooperation with Rokas), has been acknowledged for his 10year contribution in preparing Doing Business Reports, edited and published under World Bank auspices. The World Bank Group is one of the...Read More
Ανακοινώνουμε ότι εγκρίθηκε η ανανέωση για το 2022 των δύο Σεμιναρίων Επανεκπαίδευσης για τη Διανομή Ασφαλιστικών Προϊόντων, ΑΚΤΙΝΑ Ι και ΑΚΤΙΝΑ ΙΙ (ΠΕΕ 200/2/25.01.2022) Η Ρόκας Δικηγορική Εταιρία προσφέρει δύο καινοτόμα Σεμινάρια Επανεκπαίδευσης για τη δραστηριότητα διανομής (αντ)ασφαλιστικών προϊόντων με τη μορφή e-learning, σε συνεργασία με την εταιρία Compact A.E. η οποία εξειδικεύεται στην ηλεκτρονική...Read More
Δελτίο Τύπου: Εκπαιδευτικές πρωτοβουλίες της ΡΟΚΑΣ Δικηγορική Εταιρία Αθήνα, 19 Οκτωβρίου 2021 — Την Παρασκευή 15 Οκτωβρίου 2021, η Ρόκας Δικηγορική Εταιρία πραγματοποίησε εκπαιδευτική ημερίδα(εκπαιδευτικές πρωτοβουλίες) για τελειόφοιτους μεταπτυχιακών σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου Paris Dauphine οι οποίοι επισκέφθηκαν την Ελλάδα στο πλαίσιο προγράμματος ¨Study Tour”. Επικεφαλής της Ομάδας των φοιτητών ήταν ο παγκοσμίως διακεκριμένος καθηγητής και...Read More
New energy regulations in Greece Introduction (Article by Mira Todorovic Symeonides – Partner and Alexandra Daniil – Associate, published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on October 4, 2021) In July 2021 Law 4819/2021 (OJ A’ 129/23.7.2021) (the Law) introduced certain immediate regulations into the Greek energy sector.These measures particularly provide...Read More
Rokas (Athens) acted as the legal advisor to MetLife on sale of operations in Greece to NN Group Rokas (Athens) acted as the legal advisor to MetLife, a leading life insurance undertaking, in the sale of its Greek subsidiary to NN Group, an insurance group which is active in Greece. Rokas advised in the context...Read More
The Legal 500 EMEA 2021 edition – Insurance Ranking We are pleased to announce that Rokas is ranked as a TOP – TIER FIRM at the insurance practice area in The Legal 500 EMEA 2021 edition, and is recommended in totally 5 practice areas. Firm members are also ranked as follows: TIER 1 –...Read More
The Legal 500: Mergers & Acquisitions Country Comparative Guide – Greek chapter Rokas would like to share the latest 5th edition of The Legal 500: Mergers & Acquisitions Country Comparative Guide. Τhe guide provides the readers with a pragmatic overview of Merger & Acquisitions laws and regulations in Greece. Each chapter includes information about market...Read More
“Solvency II-Supervision of (Re)insurance Companies”: Critical remarks & comments per article of L.4364/05.02.2016 on the harmonisation of Greek Law with Directive 2009/138/EC by em.Prof. I. Rokas published (in Greek) by Sakkoulas Publ., Athens 2016 The new, short commentary by Rokas’ senior partner, Ioannis Rokas, on the Greek law that has implemented the Solvency II Directive,...Read More
ICLG Merger & Acquisition Guide – Greek Chapter Our firm is a contributor of the ICLG Merger & Acquisition Guide – Greek Chapter. Viktoria Chatzara, Junior Partner & Kosmas Karanikolas, Associate, provide information about the current issues and regulations affecting the M&A field in Greece and address major topics and insight on the most common...Read More
Investment Firms: New regulatory regime Investment Firms: New regulatory regime The Investment Firm Regulation1 (IFR), combined with the Investment Firm Directive2 (IFD), introduce a bespoke prudential regime for the vast majority of EU’s investment firms; the latter being currently subject, along with credit institutions, to Basel-derived prudential rules set out in the Capital Requirements Regulation3...Read More