Balkan Energy Leaders Annual Conference and Exhibition The 4th Balkan Energy Leaders Annual Conference and Exhibition – hosted by Green World Conferences, London, UK – took place 17 to 18 March 2016 at the Crown Plaza Hotel, Belgrade. The aim of the event was to outline and examine opportunities and obstacles that wind, hydro, waste...Read More
Insurance and Reinsurance 2016 Chapter on Greece Article by Alkistis Christofilou – Partner, and Viktoria Chatzara, Associate, which appeared in the 2016 edition of The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Insurance & Reinsurance published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London. ( 1.1. Which government bodies/agencies regulate insurance (and reinsurance) companies? In Greece, the taking-up and...Read More
Updated edition of “Maritime Law” published by Professor Dr. I. Rokas and Dr. G. Theocharidis The new and updated edition of “Maritime Law” by Professor Dr. I. Rokas (author of the first edition) and Dr. G. Theocharidis, Associate Professor – The World Maritime University (WMU) in Malmö, has now been published. The book covers concisely,...Read More
It is our professional satisfaction to announce that the Bucharest Team, succeeded in defending one of the important Banks on the Romanian market in a “class court action” initiated by 71 consumers. The value of the class court action against the Bank, by a gross estimation, was of 4,000,000 Euro. The consumers demanded that the...Read More
Rokas Thessaloniki Branch announcement It is our pleasure to announce that, for the purpose of further improving client service, our Law Firm has established a branch in Thessaloniki; two partners of our Firm, Ioannis Rokas and Antonios Tsavdaridis, will act as authorised representatives. Dr Dimitris Chatzimichael (Senior Associate), member of the Thessaloniki Bar, with a...Read More
“The Greek Electricity Market in the Midst of Fundamental Reforms” by Mira Todorovic Symeonides and Lazaros Sidiropoulos in ENLR’s current quarterly issue This Report in ENLR (European Networks Law and Regulation Quarterly), Issue 4/2014, looks at electricity market reforms in Greece as a result of the Third Electricity Directive (2009/72/EC) and the Second Economic Adjustment...Read More
Energy Community Study on National Renewable Energy Action Plans and on the Progress in the Promotion of Energy from Renewable Sources Rokas, as member of a consortium with the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), the Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien) and Joanneum Research (Austrian Research Institute) has been awarded by the Energy...Read More
Election of I. Rokas as Vice President of the two new ones of AIDA World (four year term) The International Insurance Law Association/Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances (AIDA ) has elected a new President, Professor Jérôme Kullmann of the Paris Dauphine University, and two new Vice Presidents, one of them being Professor Dr. Ioannis...Read More
Hellenic Insurance Law Association(HILA) – AIDA Conference The works of the international conference, dealing with the major contemporary topic “Life, Health and Pension Insurance in the New Economic Environment” and organized by the Hellenic Insurance Law Association – the Greek Chapter of the International Insurance Law Association (AIDA ) – in association with AIDA, were...Read More
Rokas (Athens) partner Mira Todorovic Symeonides actively participated at the annual Energy Transitions – International Energy Conference, in Joensuu – Finland Rokas (Athens) partner Mira Todorovic Symeonides, participated actively delivering a speech on “Unbundling and privatisation of the state owned vertically integrated companies in Energy Community – Implementation of the Directive 2009/72/EC on the example...Read More