Energy News – 11th Issue-Greek Energy Market

Energy News – 11th Issue-Greek Energy Market


EU: Energy and Environment State Aid Guidelines
Greece: Adjustment of Several Duties and Fees Payable in the Greek Energy Market

On 31 March 2014, Decision no. 175/2014 of the Greek energy regulatory authority RAE was issued announcing a
raise of ETMEAR, the special duty paid by electricity consumers to finance RES production, by 1 April 2014 to an
average of €19.73/MWh instead of previously €14.96/MWh. This raise was necessary to fund the cash deficit of
Greece’s energy market operator LAGIE, caused by the rapid integration of RES technologies into the power
system. Initially, RAE had issued on 31 December 2014 Decision no. 663/2013, declaring that unless immediate
measures are taken by the Greek Government to drastically cut down the deficit of LAGIE, an average raise of
ETMEAR in the percentage of 98% (€29.63/MWh instead of previously €14.96/MWh) would be necessary. A raise
to that large extent was finally no more necessary due to the recent issuance of law 4254/2014 introducing the New
Deal in the Greek RES market.
Several other decisions of RAE were recently issued introducing amendments to the amounts payable for a series
of energy related charges:
i. Opinion no. 2/2014, issued on 11 February 2014, proposed to the competent minister a reduction of the
ETMEAR amounts paid by large medium voltage customers (with total annual consumption exceeding 13GWh)
to correspond to the respective charges paid by high voltage customers. A corresponding ministerial decision
was announced to have been signed thereafter, but has not been published yet.
ii. Decision no. 84/2014, issued on 26 February 2014 and published in the Official Journal B 745/26.3.2014,
reduced the cap of the Public Service Obligation (PSO) duty paid by all electricity customers of the
interconnected grid to fund the expensive electricity production at the non interconnected islands. The cap for
2014 is adjusted to the decrease of the consumer price index by 0,9% in 2013 and is now defined to €
803,977.00 per consumption point instead of € 811,278.00 in 2013.
iii. Decision no. 85/2014, issued on 26 February 2014 and published in the Official Journal B 745/26.3.2014,
adjusted the ETMEAR cap to the aforementioned decrease of the consumer price index, amounting now to €
991,000.00 iper consumption point instead of € 1,000,278.00 in 2013.
iv. Decision no. 101/2014, issued on 26 February 2014 and published in the Official Journal B 745/26.3.2014,
adjusted the amounts of the contributory fees payable by energy companies (producers, suppliers, traders etc.)
in favour of RAE to the aforementioned decrease of the consumer price index, reducing all respective fees,
varying for each particular activity applicable.

EU: State Aid Investigation Opened against France for Reductions from Renewable Energy Surcharges Granted to Energy Intensive Companies


Greece: Privatisation of Greek TSO and Small PPC
Energy Community: Establishment of a Coordination Platform by Energy Community Electricity DSOs
Albania: Settlement of Outstanding Electricity Debts
EU: ACER Publishes Opinion on the Network Code on Electricity Balancing


Croatia: First Public Auction for Exploration and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons in the Adriatic Sea of Croatia
Ukraine: New Law Repealing Preferential Terms for Certain Oil and Gas Projects
EU: Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks Adopted by the Commission
EU: ACER Publishes a Justification Paper for Policy Options on Harmonised Transmission Tariff Structures for Gas


Poland: New Bill on Renewable Energy Sources
Greece: Enactment of Measures Aiming to Alter the RES Market
Bosnia and Herzegovina: New RES Regulations in the Republika Srpska


Bosnia and Herzegovina: The TSO in BiH Has Launched a Short-term Investment Plan
EU: Notification of Investment Projects in Energy Infrastructure to the European Commission


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