Energy News – 1st Issue

Energy News – 1st Issue of June 2013

Some of them follow below


  • Restructuring and privatization of PPC

On May 15 the restructuring and privatization plan for the Public Power Corporation (PPC) was made public by the
Greek Government. Three main steps are envisaged in this direction: a. separation of the operator of the electricity
transmission system (ADMIE) from PPC; b. establishment of a new vertical electricity company (“smaller PPC”), to
which a substantial part of PPC’s production units as well as of its commercial activities will be transferred, aiming
to enhance competition in the Greek electricity market; and c. privatization of a part of PPC by offering 17% of the
company’s capital owned by the Greek state to a strategic investor. A specific timetable has been arranged for
each of the aforementioned steps: The unbundling of ADMIE shall be completed by the second quarter of 2014; the
new company shall be able to start operation in the first quarter of 2015; and the transfer of PPC’s shares shall
take place at the latest in the first quarter of 2016

  • Proposals for reducing industrial energy costs
  • Ownership Unbundling – EU Commission practice in assessing the presence of a conflict of interest


  • Decision of the Hellenic Competition Commission against the Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator
  • Covering potential liability resulting from offshore oil and gas operations in the new directive adopted by the European Parliament


  • Amendments to Greece’s legal framework for RES
  • Ukraine’s law on the Energy Industry amended


  • Registry for ESCOs in Greece finally launched
  • Law on Efficient use of Energy passed in Serbia (25/2013)

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