Energy News – 26th Issue

Energy News – 26th Issue


EU: Consultation on New Market Design for Electricity and Gas

EU: Commission Launches a New Deal for Energy Consumers

EU: CEER Publishes Conclusions Paper on the Future Role of Distribution System Operators

Bulgaria: Energy Security Council to the Government to Coordinate the National Policy in the Energy Sector


EU: Commission Launches Public Consultation on Risk Readiness in Electricity Supply

EU: ACER Recommends Adoption of Network Code on Electricity Balancing with Amendments

EU: Member States Adopt Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection Applicable to all Generators

EU: ACER Publishes Opinion and Recommendation on the Network Code on Emergency and Restoration

EU: ENTSO-E Publishes 2015 Edition of the Scenario Outlook & Adequacy Forecast up to 2025

EU: CAO and CASC.EU Announce Merger to Establish the Joint Allocation Office (JAO) in September 2015

Energy Community: Secretariat Launches Public Consultation on Draft Policy Guidelines on the Promotion of Organised Electricity Markets

Ukraine: Draft Electricity Market Law Published for Public Consultation

Romania: EU Companies’ Right to Participate in the Romanian Electricity Markets Confirmed

Serbia: EPS Group Concludes the First Phase of its Reorganisation Program


EU: Commission launches Consultation on LNG and Gas Storage Strategy

Croatia: Hydrocarbons Offshore and Onshore Exploration and Exploitation

Croatia: Decree on the Criteria for Obtaining the Status of Protected Customer in Conditions of Crisis Situations in Gas Supply

Ukraine: NERC Reviews Tariffs for Oil and Gas Transmission through Main Pipelines

Ukraine: Parliament Votes for Transparency of Extractive Industries

Greece: EU Commission Exempts Contracts Concerning Exploration for Oil and Gas from the Scope of Directive 2004/17/EC


Poland: Amendments to the Acts Regulating Land and Construction Provides for New Barriers for Investments in Small and Medium RES

Ukraine: Court Resolves Disputes against NEURC in Favour of RES Developers

Bulgaria: Amendments to the Bulgarian Energy Act


EU: Commission Orders Recovery of State Aid from EDF

Romania: European Commission’s Investigation of Certain Tariffs in Hidroelectrica Supply Contracts

Poland: Commission Approves State Aid for Polish Gas Pipelines


EU/Energy Community: MoU on Gas Infrastructure in South East Europe

EU: Member States Select 20 Energy Projects to Fund under the first CEF Energy 2015 Call for Proposals shortly after the Second Call for Proposals is Launched

EU: ENTSO-E Launches Consultation on Six Regional Investment Plans and on the List of Project Candidates for the TYNDP 2016


EU: Commission Proposes a Regulation on Energy Efficiency Labelling

EU: Commission Launches Consultation on the Evaluation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

Croatia: New Croatian Regulatory Acts on Energy Efficiency

Greece: Draft Energy Efficiency Law Published for Public Consultation


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