Energy News – Res Stations

Energy News – 40th Issue-Res Stations

Energy Markets

EU: ACER Published its 2015 Gas and Electricity Monitoring Reports
other news:
EU: Commission Publishes State of the Union Report for 2016
EnC: Serbia Compliance for Participation in ACER Working Groups
ŒEnC: Workshop Held regarding Public Procurement in Energy
ŒEnC: Non-Compliance of Ukraine with Environmental Impact Assessment Directive


EU: Network Codes on Demand Connection and on HVDC Connection
ŒAlbania: Temporary Rules on the Albanian Electric Energy Market
other news:
ΠEU/ENTSO-E: Report on Data Management by EU Electricity Network Operators
ΠEnC: Italian Energy Regulator Joins WB6; ECRB Endorsed Auction Rules v1.4
Œ Greece: New Draft Law Published regarding the Greek ‘Target Model’
ΠGreece: Public Consultation on the Harmonized Auction Rules for Forward Capacity Allocation
ΠGreece: Public Consultation on Congestion Income Distribution Methodology
ΠGreece: Pilot Competitive Process for Photovoltaic Systems
ΠBulgaria: IBEX Launched the Application Process for the Bilateral Contracts Platform

Oil & Gas

EnC/Ukraine: Update on Naftogaz’ Unbundling
other news:
ŒEU/ENTSO-G: System Development Map 2015/2016 in Cooperation with GIS
ŒEnC: Fourth CESEC Report on Gas Market Integration
ŒGreece: PPC and DEPA Sign Memorandum of Cooperation
ŒGreece: DESFA Notice with the Regional Booking Platform
ŒBulgaria: Public Consultations on Connection to the Grid Rules and Prices


EU: CEER Publishes its Position Paper on Renewable Self-Generation
other news:
ŒGreece: Decision allocating the Special Fee in Areas with RES stations
ŒCroatia: Sale of Electricity from RES on CROPEX, Auctions and to HROTE

Competition-State Aid

EU: Hydropower and Biogas Support Schemes in Czech Republic Approved
other news:
ŒEU: Commission Approves two Bulgarian State Aid Schemes
ŒEU: Czech Support of Biofuels for Transport Approved
ŒEU: French Support of Combined Heat and Power Plants Approved
ŒEU: Malta and Luxemburg RES Support Scheme Approved
ŒEU: Greek Guarantee for EIB Loan of the PPC
ŒEU: Commission Confirms Unannounced Inspections in the Natural Gas Sector

Energy Infrastructure

EU: Infrastructure Cooperation Agreements in Central and South Eastern Europe
other news:
ŒEU: Extension of Duration and Scale of Strategic Investments Fund
ŒEU: High Capacity Wind Turbines Used in Onshore EU-Funded Projects
ŒGreece: MoU between DESFA and the CEE and SEE High Level Group
ŒBiH: Investment in Energy Sector in Republic of Srpska
ŒRomania: The signing of the BRUA Agreement
ŒUkraine: Ukrtransgaz Signs MoU on Cooperation with Bulgarian, Greek and Romanian Gas TSOs
ŒGreece: MoU between PPC and CMEC
ŒGreece: Joint Statement on the Vertical Gas Corridor
ŒBulgaria: Draft TYNDP for 2016-2025
ŒMontenegro: Decisions of the Montenegrin Energy Regulator

Energy Efficiency

Bulgaria: Public Consultation on the EE Potentials in District Heating and Cooling

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