Energy News-Sale of the PPC Shares

Energy News – 42nd Issue-Sale of 24% of the PPC Shares in IPTO Approved

Energy Markets

EU/ACER: Annual Market Monitoring Report on Retail Electricity and Gas Markets
Other news:
ŒEU: European Union Energy Day
ŒEnC: Secretariat Establishes Dispute Resolution and Negotiation Centre
ŒEU: CEER Launches a Consultation to Improve GGP on Price Comparison Tools
ŒFYR of Macedonia: Amendments to the Energy Law


Albania: Continuing Reform of the Electricity Sector
Other news:
ŒEU: ACER Decides on the Proposal on Capacity Calculation Regions
ŒEU: ACER Issues Recommendation for Electricity Exchanges
ŒEU: ENTSO-E Publishes Guidance for the Requirements of Generators Grid Connection
ŒEU: ENTSO-E Reports on the Emergency and Restoration Code
ŒGreece: Public Consultation on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management
ŒEU: ENTSO-E Consultations on ID and DA Scheduled Exchanges Calculation Methodology
ŒGreece: Public Consultation on the Annual Term Product of 2017 Auctions
ŒGreece: Sale of 24% of the PPC Shares in IPTO Approved
ŒFYR of Macedonia: TSO Publishes Rules for Allocation of Cross-border Transmission Capacities
ŒFYR of Macedonia: Regulation Amending the Rules of the Electricity Market
ŒMontenegro: Recent Developments Concerning Montenegrin Power Exchange
ŒSerbia: Energy Ministry Launches a Tender for Selection of Reserve Electricity Supplier
ŒUkraine: Public Consultations on Electricity Revenue Metering
ŒUkraine: NEURC Approves Quality Standards for Electricity Supply

Oil & Gas

EU: Study on Quo Vadis Gas Market Regulatory Framework
Other news:
EU: ENTSO-G Finalised CNOTs for Data Exchange in the Network Codes
EnC: Different Compliance Issues and Conclusions of the 43rd PHLG Meeting
EU: ACER Report on the Implementation of the Gas Balancing Network Code
Greece: Methodology of the Gas Auction Starting Price Calculation
Albania: Introduction of Excise Tax for LNG for Vehicles
BiH: Rules for Allocation of Cross-border Transmission Capacities
Bulgaria: Government Announces Tender for Oil & Gas Permit
Bulgaria: Public Consultation on the Rules for Access to the Gas Network
Bulgaria: Public Consultations on the Interconnection Agreement for IP Ruse – Giurgiu
Bulgaria: TSO Informs regarding the Implementation of RBP
Serbia: Public Consultation on the Price of Access to the Natural Gas Distribution System
Ukraine: Government Decides regarding the New Gas TSO
Ukraine: Public Consultations on Gas Market Issues


Greece: RAE Issues Notice for the Pilot Bidding Process for PV Producers

Οther news:
ŒEU: AURES Publishes EU RES Auction Report
ŒUkraine: Parliament Introduces New Sources of RES

Competition- State Aid

EU: Commission Approves New German Interruptibility Scheme
Other news:
ŒEU: Commission Finds Compatible with the Internal Market a German CHP Scheme
ŒEU: Modification of RES Support in Germany
ŒEU: Commission Approves French Capacity Mechanism Scheme
ŒEU: Commission Approves UK Electricity Demand Reduction Pilot Scheme
ŒEU: Scheme for Support of Electricity Produced from Mine Gas Approved
ŒEU: European Commission Approves Czech Hydropower and Biogas Support Schemes

Energy Infrastructure

EU: Revised Exemption Decision on OPAL Pipeline
Other news:
ŒGreece: Draft Law on Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure
ŒRomania: The Launch of the Romania – Bulgaria Gas Interconnector

Energy Efficiency

Albania: Energy Performance of Buildings
Other news:
FYR of Macedonia: The Third Energy Efficiency Action Plan


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