Energy News -Network Code on Electricity Balancing Approved.

Energy News – 46th Issue-Network Code on Electricity Balancing Approved.


EU/ENTSO-E: Network Code on Electricity Balancing Approved.

On 16 March 2017, the Member States approved the last of the eight network codes, the Network Code on Balancing. The Balancing Code sets the rules for competitive and cross border market for electricity balancing with the aim to reduce grid costs and allow participation of renewables and demand response.

Greece: RAE’s Guidelines for Drafting the Target Model Markets Codes.

On 27 January 2017, Greek energy regulatory authority (RAE) issued decision no. 67/2017, published in the Official Journal no. B’774/13.03.2017 on Guidelines to the competent Operators for drafting of Market Codes regulated by the law 4425/2016 for reform of the Greek electricity market in compliance with the regulation for the unified European electricity market.


Croatia: New Regulations in the Gas Market

Recently, the Croatian gas sector was introduced with a series of regulatory changes. On 17 February 2017, the Croatian Parliament adopted the Law on Amendments to the Gas Market Act. On 24 February 2017, the Croatian Energy Market Operator adopted the Amendments to the Rules on Gas Market Organisation.

Ukraine: Recent Developments on Natural Gas Market

On 10 February 2017, the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission launched a public consultation on
amendments, the main objective of which is to bring Ukrainian regulations in line with the best European practices and ensure maximum and efficient use of storage facilities by both the Storage System Operator (SSO) and the customers.


EU: Commission Invites Comments on Gazprom Commitments

On 13 March 2017, the European Commission invited all interested stakeholders to submit comments on the
commitments submitted by Gazprom aimed to enable cross-border gas flows at competitive prices.


Greece: RAE’s Opinion on RES Auctions

Opinion no. 2/2017 regarding a) the classification of competitive bidding procedures as «technologically neutral» or
not, b) the technologies and / or categories of power plants from RES and CHP and c) the methodology and the power allocation procedure for the participation of power plants from RES that are installed in countries within the European Economic Area.


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