ACER and CEER Issue Three White Papers on Electricity

Energy News – 48th Issue-ACER and CEER Issue Three White Papers on Electricity

EU: ACER and CEER Issue Three White Papers on Electricity

In May 2017, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (the Agency or ACER) and National Regulatory
Authorities in the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) issued three joint Regulatory White Papers presenting their views on the several proposals of the European Commission’s contained in the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” legislative package of 30 November 2016. Specifically: On 15 May 2017 the Agency and the CEER issued the White Paper no. 2 on the Role of the Distribution System Operators (DSOs); on 22 May 2017, the Agency and CEER issued the White Paper no. 3 on the Facilitating flexibility; on 30 May 2017 the Agency and CEER issued the White Paper no. 4 on Efficient Wholesale Price Formation.

Ukraine: Electricity Market Law Adopted by the Parliament

On 13 April 2017, the Parliament passed the long-awaited Law on Electricity Market of Ukraine (draft law No. 4493 of 21 April 2016). The main objective of the Law, drafted in close cooperation with the Energy Community Secretariat, is to ensure implementation of the requirements of the Third Energy Package and the Energy Community acquis, and thus fulfilment of Ukraine’s obligations under the Energy Community Treaty and the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Among others, the Law aims to promote the development of a competitive electricity market, to ensure stable and secure electricity supply in accordance with the consumers’ interests and reduce expenses for electricity supply as well as the impact on the environment.

Greece: Amendment of the Operational Code for the National Natural Gas System

On 8 May 2017, the Greek Energy Regulatory Authority (RAE) issued a press release on the amendment of the Operational Code for the National Natural Gas System. RAE approved the aforementioned third amendment by its Decision no. 237/2017 which is accompanied by the revised text of the Code. The Code is to be implemented starting June 2017 in order to ensure that both the Greek Gas TSO (DESFA) as well as users of the National Natural Gas System are given the chance to take all the necessary measures in order to adapt to the newly imposed system.

EU: ACER and CEER Publish White Paper on RES

On 11 May 2017, the Regulatory Energy Paper (referred to as the “White Paper”) of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the National Regulatory Authorities in the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) was published providing the views of ACER and CEER regarding the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) into the wholesale electricity market. This White Paper follows the publication of the Winter Package of 30 November 2016 by the European Commission, that consisted of numerous legislative proposals aiming at further completing the internal market for electricity and implementing the Energy Union in order to assist the EU institutions in the assessment of the Winter Package proposals. ACER and CEER welcome the Winter Package’s proposals concerning the integration of electricity from RES in the wholesale market in general and provide their recommendations for three main legislative amendments.

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