Energy News – Gas pipeline

Energy News – 51st Issue-Gas pipeline

Energy Markets
ŒEU: Study on the Impact Assessment of the EU Commission of the Electricity Market Design Initiative Published
ŒAlbania: ERE’s Decision on the Closed Distribution Systems of Electricity
ŒAlbania: ERE’s Decision on Financial Guarantees for the Market Players
ŒAlbania: ERE’s Decision on Transparency Program
ŒGreece/ADMIE: Transfer of Shares of ADMIE Holding to DES ADMIE
ŒGreece: Invitation for a Public Consultation on the Provision of Services regarding NOME Auctions
ŒSerbia: AERS Approves Rules on the Operation of the Electricity Distribution System
ΠSerbia: AERS Certifies EMS as the Electricity TSO
ΠUkraine: NEURC Approves Electricity TSO Certification Procedure and New Licensing Conditions for Electricity Distribution

EU: Court of Justice Judgement for the Poland Case T 883/16

On 21 July 2017, the press release no. 83/17 was published regarding the judgement of the ECJ for the Case T 883/16 by which the President of the General Court rejected the applications of Poland for a stay of execution of the
Commission’s Decision by which is defined that 50% of the transport capacities of the OPAL gas pipeline are to be subject to a bidding procedure. According to the Judgement, the applicants have failed to prove that the harm suffered as a result of the contested Decision is serious and irreparable and therefore the Decision remains applicable until delivery of the judgments on its lawfulness.

EU/ENTSOG: Incremental Capacity Demand Assessment Reports
ŒBulgaria: MoUs Signed regarding Gas Issues
ŒGreece: Public Consultations on the Amendments of Transmission Code
ŒGreece: International Hydrocarbon Competitions
ŒGreece: Public Consultation on the Technical Regulation on CNG
ŒRomania: Order no. 74/2017 Published

ŒEU: ENTSOG Publishes Draft Updated Cost-Benefit Analysis Methodology for Gas Infrastructure Projects
ŒEU: ENTSOG Issues Capacity Conversion Model

Competition – State Aid
ŒEU: Commission Approves Three French RES Initiatives
ŒEU: Commission Approves Amendment to the UK’s CfD Scheme for RES
ŒEU: Commission Clears German Scheme regarding the Transfer of Radioactive Waste Liabilities
ŒEU: Commission Decided Not to Raise Objections on Two RES Portuguese Schemes
ŒEU: Commission Does Not Raise Objections to Czech Support Scheme for High-efficiency CHP Installations

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