Energy News – Control of Energy Transmission Operators

Energy News – 80th Issue-Control of Energy Transmission Operators

1. Editor’s note
2. Albania: Launch of electronic registry for guarantees of origin

3. Romania: RES producers require change of Auction Conditions

4. Bulgaria: Amendments to the Bulgarian Energy Act

5. Serbia: Energy Law Amendment Regarding the Control of Energy Transmission Operators

On 26 July 2023, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Law
on Amendments to the Energy Law (Official Gazette of RS 145/2014, 95/2018 –
other Law, 40/2021, 35/2023 – other Law and 62/2023) (hereinafter: the Law)
which entered into force on 4 August 2023.
The amendments were intended for the harmonization of the national legislation
with the EU energy acquis, the obligation assumed by the Republic of Serbia as a
contract party to the Treaty on the Establishment of the Energy Community (Official
Gazette of the RS no. 62/06). In particular, the Law transposed the provisions of the
Directive 2009/72 from July 2009, which refers to common rules for the internal
electricity market and the provisions of the Directive 2009/73/EK 2009/73/EZ on
common rules for the internal market of natural gas regarding the unbundling of
the transmission networks. Below is more detailed description of the amendments.

Establishment of the Republic Commission on Energy Networks
The Law regulates the establishment of the Republic Commission on Energy
Networks as an independent body which will undertake the control of the electricity
and natural gas transmission system operators (the Operators), while the
Government of the Republic of Serbia will undertake the control of the state-owned
companies for the production and distribution of electricity and natural gas. It is
expected that this will facilitate the certification of operators in accordance with the
above Directives.

Composition of the Republic Commission on Energy Networks
The Law regulates that the Republic Commission on Energy Networks will consist of
the president and four members, which will be elected and revoked by the National
Assembly and upon the proposal of the competent parliamentary committee for
energy. The term of office of the president and the members of the Commission
shall be 5 years. The Commission will be responsible for its work to the National

Responsibilities of the Republic Commission on Energy Networks
Some of the most important responsibilities of the Commission are to propose to
the National Assembly the Strategy for the Development and Management of
Operators with an action plan for the implementation of such Strategy, to
determine the general annual objectives of the Operators, to determine the
content, to prepare and give consent to medium-term and annual business plans,
to prepare annual reports on the achievement of the general annual objectives of
the Operators, to appoint and dismiss the representatives of the Operators before
the National Assembly.
These amendments are intended to service implementing the above Directives and
to align national regulations with the Energy Community Treaty, but at the same
time the aim is to significantly facilitate the process of certification of the Operators.


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