Energy News – 8th Issue- Gas Network

Energy News – 8th Issue- Gas Network

Energy Markets

Serbia: Draft of New Energy Law Introduced for Public Consultation
Montenegro: Set of Rulebooks and Regulations
EU: Implementation of the Third Energy Legislative Package: ACER/CEER Annual Report
EU: The new 2030 Framework on Climate and Energy Proposed by the Commission


Ukraine: Reform of the Ukrainian Electricity Market
Bulgaria: Reduction of Energy Prices Introduced by Decision of the Energy Regulator
Greece: Energy Regulator Declares Itself Incompetent for the Interpretation of a Disputable Provision of the Energy Law

Oil & Gas

Ukraine: Preferential Tax Treatment for Certain Projects of Production of Hydrocarbons
Greece: Amendments to the Gas Network Code and Introduction of Three New Standard Transmission Agreements

On 9 December 2013, Decision no. 526/2013 of the Greek energy regulator (RAE) was issued in the Official
Gazette, including a series of amendments to the Natural Gas Network Code aiming at the implementation of
recent relevant EU legislation, such as Regulation (EU) 715/2009, as amended, and Regulation (EU) 984/2013.
Among others, following amendments were introduced: broadening of the transmission services by including
interruptible and virtual transmission services, introduction of measures for the management of contractual
congestion, modification of the capacity booking system and amendments to the rights of network users to apply
for release of booked capacities, simplification of application procedures etc. Further to the amendments to the
Network Code, on 27 December 2013 RAE’s Decision 635/2013 was issued in the Official Gazette, introducing
respective amendments to the existing standard natural gas transmission agreement, based on which transmission
agreements between the network operator (DESFA) and network users are signed. In place of so far existing one
standard agreement, three new standard agreements were introduced so as to also cover the new options for
interruptible and virtual transmission services.

Energy Infrastructure & Grids

EU: ACER Calls ENTSO-E to Expedite the Process of Harmonization: Opinion on ENTSO-E’s Network Code on Forward Capacity Allocation


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