Sharing of electricity transmission system extension costs

Greek energy authority regulates sharing of electricity transmission system extension costs
(Article by Mira Todorovic Symeonides, Partner,  published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on Μarch 27, 2023)
Rokas Energy & Natural Resources – Greece
On 12 January 2023, the Greek regulatory energy authority published a decision(1) in the
Government Gazette(2) on the way in which
costs are divided for producers, consumers or distribution networks to connect to the electricity transmission system.(3)
According to Greek law, producers or consumers may agree with the electricity transmission system operator to undertake part of the
construction works for the extension of the system, including construction of a private sub-station.
The decision regulates cost sharing calculation methods in the following cases:
  • a new user connects to a point included in the works for connection of the distribution network to the system;
  • a distribution network connects at the point included in the works for connection of the user to the system; and
  • a new user connects at the point included in the extension works for connection of the already connected user.
The connection point may be a sub-station of the user or the existing transmission line that includes the user’s extension works.
The decision regulates, for the first time, the method for calculating the costs to be paid by each subsequent user. It also takes into
account the possibility that part of the sub-station’s capacity may remain free, in which case all the connected users should share the
cost of the connection.
Thus, if more than one user is to be connected to the system at the same connection point, the first system user that receives a binding
offer for connection to the grid, which includes the approval for extension of the system from the system operator, will bear the cost
and undertake to finalise the connection works. The second user that receives the binding offer for connection to the grid at the same
point will pay part of the construction costs to the first user, while the third user, if any, will pay part of the costs to the first and part to
second user, and so on. Finally, each user will pay a proportional part of the costs depending on its capacity and time of connection.
For further information on this topic please contact Mira Todorovic Symeonides at Rokas Law Firm by telephone (+30 210 361 6816) or
email ( The Rokas Law Firm website can be accessed at
(1) No. B’ 59/2023.
(2) Decision of the regulatory energy authority of Greece No. 879/2022.
(3) In compliance with articles 8.12 and 8.19 of the Code on operation of the transmission system.

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