Decision regulating priority of access for connection of plants to grid

Ministry of Environment and Energy issues decision regulating priority of access for connection of plants to grid

(Article by Mira Todorovic Symeonides, Partner, published in the Energy & Natural Resources Newsletter of the ILO on August 29, 2022)


On 12 August 2022, the Ministry of Environment and Energy issued a long-awaited decision concerning the priority access of submitted
applications for connection to the grids (ie, the electricity distribution network and the electricity transmission system).(1) Previously,
priority was allocated according to the general criteria of the submission date of the completed file (including environmental approvals)
and certain special criteria such as priority of the projects of strategic interest, projects in certain areas of Greece with low development
of RES projects or projects held by energy communities. The level of priority to be allocated among the general and special criteria
required clarification, particularly given the increased number of applications for connection to the grid.

Key changes
One of the main purposes of the decision was to address the issue of significant capacities requested in submitted applications and the
insufficient capacities of the grids.
The main changes introduced by the decision are as follows:

  • It divides all applications into six categories (from A to F), each often having numerous sub-categories.
  • Applications will be processed by grid operators by category (starting from A) and within a category by sub-categories. The priority
    within one category or within a sub-category is based on the submission date of the completed application file. However, in
    categories D, E and F, only the submission date counts.
  • It provides for the reduction of capacity declared in the application on the basis of the previously issued production certificate or
    licence of 20% for almost all categories and sub-categories.
  • It provides for a maximum capacity limit for each sub-category.
  • The applicants should, in some sub-categories, provide additional documents and guarantees.
  • It provides a priority framework for electricity storage plants.

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