Physical and Virtual Selective Distribution in the EU Competition Law

Physical and Virtual Selective Distribution in the EU Competition Law

Selective distribution constitutes a case, in which vertical restraints are imposed in order the
manufacturer to promote and sell his products/services in the market. The manufacturer has undoubtedly the
leading role setting freely –within the context of the laws regarding competition- his own criteria under which
the distribution network shall operate. However, the development of the Internet has set new legislative
challenges, since the autonomous operation of on-line distribution has proven to cause imbalances in the rest
of the distribution system. Therefore, raises the question, if it is possible selective distribution and autonomous
on-line distribution to co-exist. And that question will stand as the topic of the following analysis. However, in
order our analysis to be methodologically sound, firstly we will analyze the current situation, its problem and its
ratio and then we will proceed to a recommendation of a solution.

Download: Physical and Virtual Selective Distribution in the EU Competition Law

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