Rokas participation in the VIIth AIDA 2018 Europe Conference

Rokas was one of the sponsors in the VIIth Conference of AIDA (Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances/International Insurance Law Association Europe) Europe, which took place April 12 – 13, 2018 in Warsaw, Poland and was organised by AIDA Europe in cooperation with Kozminski University and the AIDA Polish Chapter affiliated at Kozminski University.

The Conference, “De-Mystifying InsurTech: a Legal and Regulatory View”, aimed at sketching-out a stress test for traditional legal and regulatory concepts and offered a range of plenary and breakout sessions with expert speakers and panellists. In addition to the core theme the Conference offered sessions dedicated to Hot Topics & Key Developments in the insurance field.

Rokas (Athens) actively participated in the works of the conference. Particularly during the Hot Topics & Key Developments sessions, Viktoria Chatzara – Senior Associate of the firm, delivered a comprehensive presentation on “GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation” which was received with great interest by the participants.

Senior Partner Prof. Dr. I Rokas and Partner A. Christofilou, both attended throughout the two day event. Prof. Rokas, in his capacity as vice president of AIDAWorld, additionally participated in the AIDA Executive Committee meeting and in the AIDA Presidential Committee meeting, on the day prior to the Conference.

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