Taxation News – alienation of shares

Taxation News – 1st Issue (January 2014)-Clarifications on the tax treatment of capital gains from the alienation of shares


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  • Clarifications on the tax treatment of capital gains from the alienation of shares

Given the confusion regarding the taxation of capital gains derived from the alienation of shares, the Ministry of Finance has issued decision D12B 1159820/18.10.2013 (∆12Β 1159820 ΕΞ/18.10.2013) in order to clarify the issue.

With the aforementioned document it is noted that under art. 72, par. 7 of l. 4172/2013 the gains deriving from the alienation of shares, either quoted on a stock exchange or not, when taking place from 01.01.2014 and thereafter, are subject to tax at rate of 15% as per the provisions of art. 42 & 43 of l. 4172/2013.

Consequently, the gains deriving from the alienation of shares quoted on a stock exchange, when taking place prior to 01.01.2014, remain untaxed, while the transfer of unquoted stocks are taxed at a rate of 5%, as per art. 38 & 13 of l. 2238/1994.

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