Greece: Mergers & Acquisitions – 3rd edition (Article/Chapter for Greece written by Paraskevi Res and Chloe Iordanidou – Rokas’ Associates, published in The Legal 500 & The In-House Lawyer Comparative Legal Guide: Mergers & Acquisitions, March 2019)Read More
Serbian Law on Centralised Register of Beneficial owners The Law on Centralised Register of Beneficial owners has been adopted on 25 May 2018 and came into force on 8 June 2018 (hereinafter „the Law“). The Law introduces the obligation for legal entities and other registered subjects in the Republic of Serbia, apart from public joint...Read More
Amendments to the Serbian Company Law The recent amendments to the Serbian Company Law, which have been adopted on 08 June 2018, mostly relate to the harmonization with the EU acquis (such as cross-border merger and European company forms). However, several important changes have been made so as to resolve the issues in the practical...Read More
Greece: Mergers and Acquisition law (Article/Chapter for Greece written by Chloe Iordanidou – Associate, published in The Legal 500 & The In-House Lawyer Comparative Legal Guide: Mergers & Acquisitions, February 2018) The Legal 500 & The In-House LawyerComparative Legal GuideGreece: Mergers & Acquisitions This country-specific Q&A gives an overview of mergers and acquisition law, the...Read More
EU Competition Law Amendments to Procedural Rules On November 2014, the Directive 2014/104/EU of the European Parliament and the Council on certain rules governingactions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and ofthe European Union was adopted, having the aim to ensure that victims of antitrust...Read More
Physical and Virtual Selective Distribution in the EU Competition Law Selective distribution in the EU Competition Law constitutes a case, in which vertical restraints are imposed in order themanufacturer to promote and sell his products/services in the market. The manufacturer has undoubtedly theleading role setting freely –within the context of the laws regarding competition- his...Read More
Legal Aspects of Doing business in Montenegro 2011 (Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Montenegro, Second Edition – Juris Publishing, 2011 – Montenegro Chapter by IKRP Rokas & Partners and D. Radinovic Law Firm) Montenegro is a relatively new Mediterranean country, which declaredindependence from the state union with the Republic of Serbia on 3 June...Read More