Energy News – 25th Issue

Energy News – 25th Issue


Energy Community: ECRB Publishes Report on the Status of Independence of

EU: Public Consultation on a Common Schema for the Disclosure of Inside
Information by Market Participants

EU: ACER Publishes a List of 25 Pre-Registered Reporting Mechanisms (RRMs)

Ukraine: Draft Law on the Energy Market Regulator Returned for Revision


EU: ACER and ENTSO-E Promote the Engagement of Stakeholders in the
Network Codes Implementation Process

SEE: SEE CAO Publishes New Auction Rules for Public Consultation

BiH: State Electricity Regulatory Commission Approves New Market Rules

Croatia: Rulebook on Change of Electricity Supplier

Ukraine: New Auction Procedure for Allocation of Transfer Capacity of Interstate
Electricity Grids Becomes Effective


EU: Public Consultation on the Proposed Methodology for Monitoring the Impact of
the Gas Network Codes on the Internal Market

EU: ACER Publishes Annual Report on Gas Contractual Congestion

EU: Revision of Measures to Safeguard Security of Gas Supply Project

Energy Community: Study on the Development of the Regional Gas Market in
South East Europe

EU/ Ukraine & Greece/ Bulgaria: Interconnection Agreements regarding Natural
Gas Flow on the Hungarian-Ukrainian and the Greek-Bulgarian borders

Romania: The European Commission Refers Romania to the Court for Failing to
Adopt an Emergency Plan in case of Gas Supply Disruption


EU: Progress Report Shows that the EU Is on the Way to Meet the 20% RES
Target by 2020

Romania: New Law Introduces Measures in relation to the Promotion of RES

Ukraine: Cancellation of the Local Content Requirement and Other Major Changes
Affecting RES Electricity Producers

Greece: Cancellation of Unimplemented RES Projects by the Greek TSO and DSO


Bulgaria: Commission for Protection of Competition Imposes Fines on the Three
Main Electricity Distribution Companies

Bulgaria: Interested Parties are Invited to Comment on the Commitments Offered
by the Energy Holding EAD Regarding Power Exchange


Greece: Memorandum of Cooperation between Greece and Russia for the
Construction of South European Gas Pipeline

Greece: Eliminating VAT Barriers for Greek Companies to Participate in TAP


Serbia: ESCO Model Agreement Adopted by the Ministry of Energy

Energy Community: Progress of Energy Efficiency Measures and Available
Financing Opportunities

EU/ Greece: Commission Refers Greece to Court for Failing to Transpose Energy
Efficiency Directive


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